Parish Magazine
Launcells Parish News
2023 Subscriptions
Subscriptions remain at £5 for the year (50p per copy with two issues free!) or at the increased price of £14 if you have your magazines posted (to cover the increased price of stamps and envelopes).
Preferred method of payment is by BACS transfer from your account to:
A/c. Launcells Parish News
Sort code: 20-04-59
A/c no: 00073520
Please include your name as reference.
Alternatively Cheques payable to Launcells Parish News should be sent to:
Mrs Mandy Pollard, Launcells Parish News
Burn Farm, Bridgerule, Holsworthy, Devon, EX22 7EZ
Payment can also be given to your Parish News Distributer when they deliver your January magazine. If payment is not made at this time please pay by BACS or send a cheque to the above address.
Could people who collect their magazines from Red Post Garage pay by BACS or cheque as above please. Payment should not be made at the garage.
Thank you - Editor
News items, opinions, advertisements, pictures, stories, poems, recipes, puzzles, topical comment, reports and advance notices are all welcomed.
Charity events advertised free of charge.
Items included at editors' discretion and are the views of the contributors. E & O A.
ALL copy MUST be received by noon on the 15th day of the preceding month. Items are put in the magazine on a “first come first served“ basis and there may not be room for all articles, even if they are received before the deadline.
Please send to the editor: -
Mandy Pollard, Burn Farm, Bridgerule, Holsworthy, Devon, EX22 7EZ
Telephone 01288 381288
Or e-mail
How to Get Your Launcells Parish Magazine
- Have it posted to your door (£14 yearly subscription)
- Delivered to your door by one of our distributors (£5 yearly subscription)
- Collect from Red Post Garage (£5 yearly subscription)
- Purchase from Stratton Post Office or St Swithin’s Church (50p per copy)
Our Parish Matters!
The Launcells Parish News Association provides an open forum for people to share views,
news and reports and to promote local events. Do please make full use of this FREE service.
If you do not already have a postal subscription and would like to purchase a copy - please contact Mandy on 01288 381 288.