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Launcells Parish Council

Community Café

Pudding being served from a trolleyWoman smiling at camera holding up her puddingCooked from scratch Sweet and Sour Pork alongside Chicken, Ham and Vegetable Pie were the main courses on offer at the June café, held on Monday 3rd June. There was also a vegan Sweet and Sour offering plus a delightful range of popular desserts. A select group of 22 guests attended and with some ordered take aways and helpers, a total of 35 meals were provided.

The next café will be held on Monday July 1st, 12.30pm. The choices for main course will be between Honey and Mustard Chicken or Fresh Salmon; both to be served with roasted vegetables. There will also be a vegetarian/vegan option. Two courses, including tea/coffee £8.

Please note: The proceeds from the following café on September 2nd will be donated to the MacMillan cancer charity

Alison Butler
(Photos:- Sharon Jenkins)

Dessert   Desserts on a trolley

The next community cafe at Launcells Village Hall will be on Monday 3rd June at 12.30pm. The main course menu choices on offer will be Chicken, Ham and Vegetable Pie, Sweet and Sour Pork with rice or Vegan sweet and sour also with rice. As usual there will be a selection of tasty desserts including Pavlova, trifle and cheesecake. Everyone is welcome.

Due to the increasing costs of ingredients we have had to reconsider our prices. From now on main courses will cost £5.50 and desserts £2.50, totalling £8.00 for a two course meal including tea/coffee.

Alison Butler

Although the number of guests was slightly down with 24 people attending, we also served four take away meals and we not only covered our costs but made a significant profit which will go towards our running costs. We provided a choice between beef lasagne and sliced gammon with parsley sauce, alongside a vegan tomato pasta dish.

As usual the desserts, especially the delicious homemade apple pies, proved extremely popular with not a crumb left over!

Please note that due to some of our helpers being away, our next cafe will not be until Monday 3rd June at the usual time of 12.30pm.

Alison Butler

March Community Cafe

Despite the pouring rain and strong wind, 33 guests attended the March Launcells community cafe. Launcells cafe members welcomed several new faces along with many of our lovely regular customers who we are always pleased to see. The choices on offer were Fish pie, Cottage Pie (both served with vegetables) and Leek & Potato soup, served with cheesy bread.

All our main dishes and desserts, which included Apple Pie and the delicious Pavlova shown in the photo, were home-made. All options received much praise and our new guests said they would like to come to future cafes which is great for us to hear.

People sitting at a table eating         Pavloa with a slice removed

Please note that due to Easter, our next cafe will be on Monday 8th April at the usual time of 12.30pm.

The menu will offer a choice between Beef Lasagne, salad and garlic bread, Hot roasted gammon with parsley sauce, potatoes and vegetables, and Vegan tomato pasta dish. There will be a variety of home-made desserts. The cost is £4.50 for the main course and £2.50 for dessert, with complimentary tea/coffee.

Alison Butler

February Community Lunch

On the menu for the first time this month was Chicken Curry with rice and Nan bread, alongside a regular favourite of classic Beef Stew. Both options were popular with our 29 guests, and including the helpers we served 17 curries and 19 stews.

The main course was followed by a range of hot and cold desserts including two cheesecakes, two fruit pies and jam sponge.

Several guests commented on how tasty the food was and asked us to repeat these options, which of course we will try to do at some stage.

Our next cafe is on Monday 4th March at 12.30pm when the main course choices will be vegetable soup (possibly leek and potato) with bread, cottage pie or fish pie. All home made from scratch, followed by a selection of delicious desserts. Two courses including tea or coffee for £7.

Alison Butler

Christmas Community Lunch

Monday 4th December saw the final Community Lunch of 2023. The tables were beautifully decorated with holly, crackers, Christmas serviettes and a Christmas chocolate. We had our names on place cards, and there were 2 long tables plus a small table where we sat, which we said was the naughty table for the Hersham gang!

Long table set for Christmas lunch   Plate of Christmas roast   Raffle prizes

As always, we had an amazing lunch and obviously with it being the Christmas one, we had Roast Turkey with all the trimmings. There was plenty to go around, with over 60 people in the hall plus several portions were taken away, so there were roughly about 70 dinners served. The kitchen worked like clockwork to prepare and serve everybody. I don’t know how they manage it, but it was perfect.

Thanks to Bridgemans of Kilkhampton who donated the potatoes for our lunch!

There was still a bit of room left for dessert and yet again the team came up trumps with their amazing array of desserts. There was Christmas pudding, with a choice of creams or custard, trifles, fresh fruit salad, and cheesecake. After we finished, we had mince pies, After Eights and teas and coffees.

There were also 2 birthdays to celebrate. Mrs Pollard was 94 on the day and Chelsea Tape had just celebrated her 18th birthday. They were both presented with gifts, and everyone sang Happy Birthday to them.

There was also a raffle and surprisingly we won one of the superb prizes. We had a lovely bag full of goodies, including wine, mini crackers, chocolate, and biscuits.

Fiona Hargreaves gave thanks to the committee for all their hard work and dedication. I think the whole of the parish will agree that the committee do an amazing job of organising the Community lunches every month.

We wish them all a very Merry Christmas and hope they have a well-earned rest in January, before it resumes in February.

Sharon Jenkins and Anthony Bishop

People sitting at long table eating Christmas lunch   Two people smiling at camera

People sitting at table eating Christmas lunch   People sitting at long table eating Christmas lunch

Preparing pastryWith just over 30 guests, the Launcells November café was busier than previous months and a lively cheery atmosphere prevailed. As usual, the dishes on offer – Beef Cobbler, Fish Pie and Minted Pea soup with cheesy bread - were popular. Some keen guests even purchased extra portions to take away.

Two delicious home-made cheesecakes were kindly donated, and along with the ever-popular homemade pavlova and fruit crumbles, provided a tasty choice of options for dessert. As we were short of helpers this month, we forgot to take many photos but we do have a photo of the cobblers being made from scratch. Please note, the wine glass was used for cutting the circles, not drinking!

Plate with a roast dinner on itOur next event will be the annual traditional Christmas Lunch on Monday December 4th at 12.30pm. The cost is £12 per person and booking is essential. Please contact Alison on 07753-181660 to make your reservation.

There will be no Café in January. The first one of 2024 will be on February 5th.

Alison Butler


People eating at a tableJust over 20 enthusiastic guests attended the October Community Cafe at Launcells Parish Hall on Monday 2nd October. The main course options were between Chicken and Ham Pie, Vegetable & Tomato pie or Beef Lasagne withgarlic bread, all served with peas.

Several people commented on how tasty the home-made pies were which was lovely to hear. As usual we provided a selection of delicious desserts including Bread and Butter pudding, fruit trifle, fruit crumble, pineapple sponge and an impressive cheesecake which was kindly donated. Most of the leftovers were sold as 'take aways' and the event raised just over £100.

The next cafe will be on Monday 6th November and the main course choices will be Beef Cobbler and Fish Pie, plus a vegetarian option.

Two courses including tea and coffee costs £7. Come along and join us!

The Christmas Lunch will be on Monday 4th December, 12.30pm. The meal will be a traditional turkey roast dinner with all the trimmings, plus fruit juice to start and a selection of desserts which will include Christmas Pudding, all for £12 per person. Booking is essential for this event so please call Alison on 07753 181660 to make your reservation.

People eating at a table   People eating at a table

Alison Butler

September Community Café

A hot and sunny day didn't deter cafe guests from arriving at Launcells.

Parish Hall on Monday 4th September for the monthly community cafe. Two new main course choices were available: Sweet and Sour Pork with rice (vegetarian option also available), and Toad in the Hole with vegetables and gravy. Pleasingly, both options were popular with the 27 guests who attended.

As usual, the main course was followed by a variety of delicious homemade desserts including cheesecake, trifle, meringues with raspberries & cream, plus fruit strudel with custard.
We had decided that the proceeds from this cafe were to be donated to the MacMillan charity so also set up a homemade cakes and produce table to raise more money. We were delighted to raise £222 on the day which we have increased from our own funds to provide a donation of £250 to this worthwhile charity.

Thank you to everyone who attended, donated ingredients or produce.

Our next cafe will be on Monday October 2nd. Two courses, plus tea/coffee for £7.00.

People sitting round table eating dinner

Alison Butler

It was our turn for a visit by Cornwall County Council’s Food Hygiene inspector on Monday 3rd July. After examining our kitchen, food preparation, hygiene procedures and detailed records we are delighted that we were awarded the full 5 stars. Theinspector was impressed by the amount of good practice being carried out – well done all!

Kitchen staff showing 5-star food hygene rating

Following this, a very successful community café was held at the Parish Hall when approximately 35 guests enjoyed a choice between Honey & Mustard Chicken or Puff Pastry Plaits. Our selection of delicious desserts can be seen in the photo. A profit of £171 was made after expenses, which will go to the wonderful local First Responders organisation. Anyone who has had the need to call on their services will appreciate what a vital role they fulfil.

Dessert trolley   People sitting round a table with food and looking at the camera

We are taking a break over the summer so the next café will be on Monday 4th September. A two course meal costs £7.00 and this includes tea/coffee. Service starts at 12.30pm.

Please note that the café is open to everyone, not just those who reside in Launcells Parish.

Alison Butler

Launcells Community Lunch

Community Lunch poster, text below

The next Community Lunch will be on Monday 3rd July at 12.30pm.

Menu will include honey and mustard chicken or vegetable savoury plait - both with new potatoes and mixed vegetables, followed by a selection of home-made puddings.

Everyone welcome.

We thank our customers for supporting the café but will be taking a summer break. The next community cafe will be on Monday 4th September, at 12.30pm. The proceeds from this cafe will be donated to the MacMillan charity.

April Community Café

Food on a table  People sitting around a table eating  People sitting around a table eating

The Community Café usually takes place on the first Monday of each month.  More information can be found in the Launcells Parish News and on the Launcells Community Facebook page.

Another successful community café was held at Launcells Parish Hall in Grimscott on Monday 3rd April when approximately 35 guests enjoyed a choice between Chicken and Vegetable Pie and Macaroni Cheese – another new one for our repertoire - along with a selection of delicious hot and cold desserts. A marvellous profit of £178 was made which will go to a local charity.

Please note that the café is open to everyone, not just those who reside in Launcells.

There will not be a regular café on Monday 1st May as there will be a Coronation Lunch at the Hall on the 8th May at 12.30pm. The menu choices will be ‘Crown Roast Beef Dinner’ (in a large Yorkshire pudding) and Coronation Chicken, Jacket potato and salad, plus a range of desserts. We also cater for vegan and gluten free diets.

To ensure that we can cater for everyone sufficiently, please book places with Alison on 07753-181660.

Coronation mug  Coronation mug

The Parish Hall Committee are also presenting Coronation Mugs, which are available free of charge, to all children aged 16 and under who live in the Parish of Launcells. They can be collected on Monday 8th May between 2 and 3 pm from the hall. If people are unable to come on that day, let us know (Alison 07753 181660) and we will arrange to deliver them at a later date.

Alison Butler

March Community Café

Cottage pieOur March café was very well attended with a hall full of people and 40 meals being served.Bread and butter pudding

The choice this time was between Cottage Pie and Fishcakes. We added bread and butter pudding to our dessert repertoire and it was so popular the whole dish sold out.  Judging by the clean plates that came back to the kitchen, everyone enjoyed their food. It was an especially sociable event and there was a lively buzz of conversation throughout the session with some new faces and many people were observed chatting to different groups, which was great to see. Unfortunately, we were all too busy chatting to remember to take any photos! After expenses, a healthy profit £164 was made which will be donated to local charities.

Forthcoming Events

Our next café will be on Monday 3rd April at 12.30pm, when the menu choices will be between Chicken & vegetable pie and Macaroni cheese with ham & garlic bread. As usual we will also provide a vegan option and a delicious range of sweets.

Coronation flagOn Monday 8th May, we will be holding a Coronation Themed Lunch. Our menu is yet to be decided so look out for more information in the next magazine.

The Village Hall Committee will be providing souvenir Coronation mugs to children (up to & including 16years) who live in the Parish. We have the list of children who received Jubilee mugs, but please let the committee know if there are any other children in the Parish who would like one.

Alison Butler

February Community Lunch

CasserolePuddingWe held our first cafe of the year on the 6th February which was well attended. Our menu was chicken casserole, beef stew or a vegetable option which was enjoyed by all. The selection of homemade desserts were enjoyed as well.

Look forward to seeing you all at the March café.

People sitting eating lunch and looking at the camera

Launcells Village Christmas Lunch

On Monday 5th December, Launcells Village Hall was abuzz with anticipation as approximately 50 guests arrived for the annual Christmas lunch. The hall and tables had been decorated for the occasion and Christmas music accompanied the chatter as many friends gathered and found their places.

Guests were offered fruit juice before a full Turkey Roast (plus a vegan option) which was prepared and served by our group of café volunteers. A choice of delicious deserts followed, including of course traditional Christmas pudding. It was pleasing to see some new faces this year. Everyone had a good time and many commented how much they had enjoyed the food (even the sprouts) and the event as a whole.

Well done to all involved and thank you to everyone who supported this and other events at our hall.

Thanks also to Bridgmans who donated the potatoes for the lunch, to Mole Valley Farmers who made a donation and to Stratton Stores who support our events.

Our next community café lunch will be on Monday February 6th at 12.30pm.

Alison Butler

People sitting at table

Mince pies

People eating Christmas lunchPeople eating Christmas lunch

Person wearing a Christmas jumper

Food on table

Thanks to Alison Butler and Sandy Cheshire for the photos.

November Community Café

A new recipe of pork in apple and cider proved popular at the November café. Also on offer were tomato soup with fresh crusty bread, a tasty fish pie and tomato & vegetable pie, as well as our usual wide variety of deserts – all homemade from scratch. Approximately 20 guests enjoyed a delicious lunch at a cost of £7 for two courses and tea/coffee.

Many guests took notice of the advert for our Christmas lunch to the extent that we have now sold out! As we will need a rest immediately after the  Christmas festivities, our next café will be on Monday February 6th.

Alison Butler

Here is a photo of a past christmas lunch club dinner......

Here are the lunch club team...

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