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Launcells Parish Council


Welcome to the Launcells Parish Council Website

Launcells has been an interactive parish since 2013, offering online access to its residents and beyond.  

We have just upgraded our website to comply with the new website regulations for 2020.

Please browse and let us know what you think and please tell us if there is anything that you feel the website could add to benefit users. 

Thank you 

Launcells Parish Council


A planning application has come to the Parish Council to consult on.


If you wish to make any comments to the Parish Council concerning this application, please email the Clerk ( by Thursday 8th August.



PA24/02589 - Barn Conversion and extension. 


Location: Barn West Of Orchard House, Stratton, Bude Cornwall EX23 9TD.


Applicant: Mr Richard Turner



A planning application has come to the Parish Council to consult on. If you wish to make any comments to the Parish Council concerning this application, please email the Clerk ( by Thursday 8th August.


PA24/01957 - Agricultural sheds for livestock.

Penleaze, Hobbacott Lane, Marhamchurch Bude Cornwall EX23 0ET

Applicant Mr Richard Turner

Have your best and safest summer with the FREE MyCoast app 


The MyCoast app is now live across the 60 RNLI lifeguarded beaches in Cornwall. Residents are encouraged to download the app this summer. 

Created in Cornwall and supported by Cornwall Council, MyCoast curates real time weather, tidal and sea condition data, alongside detailed information about local facilities and amenities.

MyCoast is also the only app to have in-built safety parameters designed by the RNLI which will help direct people towards the most suitable conditions for their chosen activity that day.

The MyCoast team are excited to work with the Cornish community to continually improve the app, whilst keeping it accurate and up to date, with all feedback welcome.

Find out more and download the app

Ideas for a fun-filled, action packed summer holiday.

A new activity booklet has been launched to help families in Cornwall enjoy a fun-filled, action-packed summer holiday and boost physical and emotional wellbeing.

Five Ways on Summer Days is based on the Five Ways to Wellbeing and includes activities and ideas to encourage families to: take notice of the world around us; connect with people (or animals!); get moving, preferably outdoors; give and being kind to other people; and find time for yourself.

The Five Ways to Wellbeing are simple ways to improve social, emotional, mental health and wellbeing.

Find out more and download the booklet

Come along to the Summer of Wellbeing Festivals

NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly and Healthy Cornwall, together with lots of other local organisations, are running a health and wellbeing campaign called ‘Healthier Together’.

The aim is to provide advice and information about how you can make small changes in your daily life that will have a big impact on your future health and wellbeing.

As part of our campaign, we’re running free Summer of Wellbeing Festivals over the summer, so why not attend one happening close to you:

  • Redruth Rugby Club and CN4C at the Elms, Redruth - Saturday 3 August
  • Park House Centre, Bude - Saturday 3 August
  • Humphrey Davy School and Trelya, Penzance - Friday 9 August
  • Poltair Park and CN4C at the One and All Bank, St Austell - Saturday 17 August  
  • Town Hall, Launceston - Saturday 17 August  
  • Basset Centre, Camborne - Saturday 14 September 
  • Hayle Recreation Ground, Hayle - Saturday 14 September 
  • Newquay Orchard - Saturday 21 September

We look forward to seeing you there!

Find out more

Take part in Cornwall Libraries Summer Reading Challenge

This year’s Summer Reading Challenge.

This year it's all about creativity - making art, music, and stories! The Reading Agency’s annual Summer Reading Challenge, in partnership with CREATE, is a brilliant free activity for children aged 4 to 11, improving reading skills and confidence. There’s also a mini challenge for under 4s.

How to take part

  • Visit your local library from 6 July to sign up for free and collect your Summer Reading Challenge pack.
  • The challenge begins! Read six books over the summer — anything counts, including books, audiobooks, comics, and non-fiction.
  • Collect your prizes! After reading two books, tell a library volunteer about them to receive your first prize. More prizes follow after your 4th and 6th books.

There will be lots of activities taking place in libraries throughout Cornwall this summer. Check with your local library for events near you and follow Cornwall Libraries on social media for updates. 

Have your say on plans to make homes more energy efficient

We want to hear your views on proposals to improve the energy efficiency of Cornish homes and lower their emissions.

As part of our public consultation for our Draft Housing Decarbonisation Strategy please take a few moments to fill in our survey .

The plan outlines short, medium and long-term actions needed to make homes in Cornwall more energy efficient and to reduce their carbon emissions. It sets out key principles, targets and a possible timeline to help the council, homeowners and tenants start to decarbonise their homes.

The survey is open from now until 16 September.

Have your say

Grants available to help workplaces fund green travel measures

Applications are now open for workplaces wanting to support their staff to make more sustainable choices about how they travel to and from work.

Our Workplace Travel Grant offers match funding of up to £5,000 to organisations to provide facilities and equipment. It aims to help employers to break down some of the barriers their employees might face in choosing sustainable modes of travel over taking the car to and from work.

Previous grants have been used to provide a range of measures including cycle parking shelters, car share parking spaces and pool bikes. 

The deadline for applications is 31 July 2024. 

Read more about the grant, eligibility and how to apply

Share your views on crime and anti-social behaviour

Safer Cornwall is inviting town and parish councils and residents to tell them about day to day community safety issues that matter to them and what could be done to improve things in an online surveyThe survey is open until 1 September.

The information from the survey will be used to inform the Community Safety Partnership Plan and to help Safer Cornwall and partners deliver what is needed to help keep Cornwall safe. The results will also allow Safer Cornwall to see how things are changing year on year.

The results of last year’s survey are available on the Safer Cornwall website.

Parish Council Meeting 01/07/24

Notice is given that Launcells Parish Council will be holding a parish council meeting in Launcells Parish Hall on Monday 1st July at 7.30pm.

If you would like to share your views on an agenda item, but are unable / uncomfortable attending, please email your comments to no later than midday on Friday 28th June.

View the agenda

Share your views on a bereavement service

Everyone goes through bereavement at some point in their life, and many people manage this profound change with the support of friends and family. Many of us though, need formal bereavement support as well - and we know that accessing it can be difficult.

There is currently no commissioned general bereavement service in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly for adults. Our Public Health team is seeking to understand if there is a need for a service of this kind to support our residents. We want to hear your views on what the needs of bereaved people are.

Our goal is to find out and address the gaps in the support that people receive around bereavement, and to explore the development of a service that meets the needs of bereaved people in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly.

The survey only takes a few minutes to complete and will close on 26 July.

Share your views

Cat microchipping now a must

All pet cats must now be microchipped or their owners could face fines of up to £500 after new legislation came into force this week.

Cats that live free with little or no human contact or dependency, like farm, feral or community cats, don't have to be chipped.

But the new law says pet cats aged 20 weeks and older must be chipped and their owners' contact details stored on an approved pet microchipping database.

The new law has been introduced to make it easier to reunite lost and stray cats with their owners. Already compulsory for dogs, microchipping is proven to be the most effective way to identify lost pets and the average cost is just £25.

More on getting your cat chipped

Fire kills: get out, stay out, call 999

Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service is reminding you to check your escape routes from your home in the event of a fire and make sure you have a working smoke alarm.

Help keep your loved ones safe by de-cluttering hallways and keep doorways and windows clear.

If you have children, disabled people or pets in the home, make a plan now about how they would get out in the event of a fire, and practice your escape routes, especially with children, to make sure everybody knows what to do in an emergency.

Station Manager Glen Beale, prevention lead at CFRS said: “Toxic smoke could leave you unconscious, so every second counts when escaping a fire.

"Having working smoke alarms and knowing the escape plan in an emergency could make all the difference.

“If you have dependants or someone you're caring for living with you, it could take them more time to get out, stay out and call 999.

"Make sure you’re always prepared, your exits are clear, and everyone knows what to do if the worst should happen.”

Make your escape plan

Diabetes and You online booking system launched

Have you recently been diagnosed or are you living with type 2 diabetes?

Diabetes doesn't have to rule your life. It can feel overwhelming, but no matter how long since your diagnosis, there's support support and information available that could make managing your condition easier.

If you're newly diagnosed

Diabetes and You is a free course  run by Kernow Health for people newly-diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. They have face-to-face courses delivered with GP practices, as well as a virtual option for those who can't attend in person.

If you've been living with type 2 for a while

There are refresher courses for those who've been living with type 2 diabetes for a while and feel they'd benefit from some healthy lifestyle support to better manage their condition.

If you're a young person with early onset type 2

The Diabetes in the Young course is for young people with early onset type 2 diabetes.

People who go on these courses often feel more confident about managing their diabetes, making healthier food choices, looking after themselves and meeting other people with diabetes.

If you're supporting someone with diabetes, you can go along to a course with them.

Book directly yourself using a new online booking system

Find out more and book

Why are we seeing so many potholes?

We're responsible for around 7,300 km of Cornwall's roads, which laid end-to-end would stretch all the way from Lands End to Vancouver, Canada.

That's a lot of road to maintain! As part of their work, our highways crews have filled over 45,000 potholes during the last year - more than double compared with the same period in 2022/23.  

Why are we seeing so many potholes? And what is the Council doing about it? Find out why in this short film

Watch the film

What happens when you report a pothole?

Our highways inspectors regularly check our roads for potholes and other defects, but did you know you can report pot holes and other road issues to us too through our website?

Find out more about what happens once you report a pothole by watching this short film. You can report potholes and a range of other issues on the 'Report it' page of our website, just hit the link below and scroll down to 'Roads and parking'.

Report a pothole and more

Chat children's health with the Chat Health text service

Chat Health is a text messaging service that links families and young people with health visitors and school nurses who can provide advice for newborns to teenagers on topics including:

  • Sleep
  • Child development
  • Support with behaviour
  • Toileting
  • Feeding and nutrition
  • Keeping safe and healthy
  • Childhood illnesses and support with medical conditions at school
  • Emotional, mental health and wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Smoking and vaping
  • Drugs and alcohol
There are three dedicated numbers which operate Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm excluding bank holidays.
  • Young people aged 11-19 can text 07312 263 096 
  • Parents or carers of children aged 0-4 can text 07312 263 423
  • Parents or carers of children and young people aged 5-19 can text 07312 263 499

When a text message is sent, an automated reply confirms it has been received. A trained healthcare professional within the health visiting or school nursing teams will then reply within 48 hours.

Find out more

Check the rules on beach walkies

Dog owners are reminded to check the rules before heading to the seaside with their furry friends as restrictions come into force on some of Cornwall’s beaches.

Dogs are not permitted on some beaches between 10am-6pm from now until the end of September.

Check the rules

Help give children a good start - become a childminder

Work from home or in the great outdoors when the mood takes you, help positively shape a child’s early years and earn money as a childminder.

If you love children and want to work in your own home at times that suit you, becoming a childminder could be the perfect career choice for you.

You can train on the job, follow your passions and share them with children in your care, and be there to nurture them. You can also choose how to do learning each day, whether it's going to the park, reading books, or doing crafts.

Being a childminder is a rewarding, fun, and flexible way to build your own business. What’s more is you could receive a grant of up to £600 to help you get started.
Join Cornwall’s supportive network of Childminders

Want to be part of a scientific effort to monitor changes to Cornwall's coastline?
It's as simple as taking a photo on your phone! 
Find out how you can get involved by watching this short animation and looking out for one of the 17 CoastSnap stations across Cornwall.

Tell us your story...

Public libraries make a huge impact on the lives of many people in Cornwall. There are so many FREE resources and events available to all.

Do you know what’s happening in your local library? Why not follow us on Facebook or Instagram to find out what’s on offer.

Maybe you already use your local library and know about the range of free benefits that come with being a member?

If you use our libraries, we want to hear about how they have helped make a difference in your life. Whether it's our baby and toddler sessions bringing new parents together, free access to reading for everyone - how have you benefited from the community focus within our libraries?

Tell us what's made a difference so we can keep helping our Cornwall communities.

Tell us your story

Free Move More classes for over 65s

People in Cornwall aged 65 and over now have access to free classes aimed at helping them to build strength and balance and reduce the risk of falling. 

Called Move More, the programme is provided by Falmouth-based company iCareiMove and funded by Cornwall Council's Public Health team.

Find out more

Incredibly rare (and extremely cute) seahorse spotted

Cornwall Council nature recovery officer Alicia Shephard was enjoying a beach walk on her lunchbreak when she spotted a long-snouted seahorse bobbing along in the surf.

She got her phone out and managed to film the tiny armoured sea creature as it floated above the seabed. It's one of only 7 long-snouted seahorses spotted in Cornish waters in the last decade.

The species faces challenges in the wild including loss of their natural habitats, over fishing and climate change. Their poor swimming skills puts a tight rein on their roaming ability, making migration to more hospitable waters difficult.

Research shows that seahorse populations have undergone rapid declines . If you'd like to help protect biodiversity in Cornwall, you can make a Pledge for Nature. Find pledge ideas on the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Nature Partnership website.

Make your pledge for nature

New scheme to help residents fund green home improvements

Homeowners in Cornwall can now apply for lower-cost loans to fund energy saving home improvements through a new Council-backed scheme.

The Green Home Improvement Scheme aims to fill the gaps for those who are ineligible for grants. Homeowners and private landlords can apply, however the scheme is not open to properties used as holiday lets or second homes.

Cornwall Council has appointed Lendology CIC to run the pilot scheme, which has been funded by the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Good Growth Fund. The Green Home improvement Loans Scheme has received £518,254 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

To find about more about the loan scheme visit the Lendology website or call Lendology on 01823 461099.
Find out more

West Cornwall Hospital Urgent Treatment Centre is there for you!

There are a range of locally provided places you can access health and care from every day of the week all without an appointment - from your local pharmacy, minor injury units and West Cornwall Hospital’s urgent treatment centre. 

Some places are open late including the urgent treatment centre, which is open every day from 8am until midnight and there is no need for an appointment!

The urgent treatment centre and 10 minor injury units can help you with ailments or injuries that need attention urgently but are not critical or life-threatening. From sprains and strains, minor fractures to cuts that need stitches, insect and animal bites to suspected infections these locally provided health units are there to help you.

Remember - the Pharmacy First service can also provide you with advice and treatments for minor ailments.

Find out more

Insights revealed into human remains discovered along the Cornish coast

Fascinating insights have been revealed into Bronze Age and 18th century human remains discovered along the Cornish coast.

Analysis of the remains discovered last winter, one near Trevone, Padstow and the other during a beach clean at Sennen in Penwith, has revealed some fascinating insights into who they may have been, why they were found at these places and how they lived their lives.

When the human remains were discovered and authorities determined they were historic, Dr Richard Mikulski, a bone specialist from Cornwall Archaeological Unit (CAU) carefully excavated the sites and analysed the skeletons.
Find out more

Did you know that thanks to the new Pharmacy First service, people aged 12 and over can see a pharmacist for sinusitis?

Pharmacy First enables community pharmacies to supply prescription only medicines for some common conditions. Local pharmacist, Ian tells us more in this short video.

Childcare support is expanding

Even more working parents can get help to pay for their childcare.

Is your child a 2-year-old and you earn less than £100k per year? If so, you might be eligible to access 15 hours childcare support for your little one.

And if your child will be between 9-23 months in September, you could also be eligible for 15 hours free too.

Visit the Childcare Choices website to find out more about expansion of hours and sign up for updates.

Find out more

Do you need a HUG?

Warm up your home with the Home Upgrade Grant Scheme

Are you tired of high heating costs and a cold home? The Home Upgrade Grant (HUG) Scheme is here to help. This grant-funded energy efficiency scheme from the Government aims to improve the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of homes that do not use mains gas as their primary heat source.

We're working in partnership with OVO Energy Solutions to deliver this scheme across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. With a range of energy-saving measures, the scheme aims to reduce heating costs and improve general health and wellbeing.

The scheme runs until March 2025 and aims to help around 500 eligible homes.

Check you're eligibility and apply

Help if you're struggling to pay your Council Tax bill

If you have no income, or you're on a low income, you might be able to apply for help to pay your Council Tax bill.

You can claim Council Tax Support if you own your own home or rent.  You can also claim if you are working or unemployed.

Entitlement to Council Tax Support is based on how much income, capital and savings your household has.

If you're already in arrears please get in touch with our team. We can help you work out a plan, which might help you worry a little less. 

We also have lots of information on other financial support that might be available if you, or someone you know, is struggling on our worried about money webpage.

Council Tax Support

Norovirus is increasing in Cornwall

Cases of the nasty Norovirus are increasing across Cornwall, and we need your help to stop the spread. 

If you have sickness and/or diarrhoea, please do not visit a healthcare setting (GP surgery, hospital or care home).

Instead stay at home, keep hydrated and keep washing your hands regularly with soap and water (alcohol gels won't kill norovirus). Stay off work (or school) and away from others until you have not been sick or had diarrhoea for at least 2 days. 

How to stop Norovirus spreading

Why you should get your blood pressure checked

An estimated 4.2 million adults in England are living with undiagnosed high blood pressure. Left untreated, it can significantly increase your risk of a fatal heart attack, stroke, kidney disease or vascular dementia . 

If you're aged 40 and over, you can get a free blood pressure check at a local pharmacy.  Click on the yellow button below to find a pharmacy that offers free blood pressure checks near you. There's no need to book!

Visit the NHS website

Eat well - spend less

Tune in to episode eight of our Eat Well, Spend Less cookery video series from our Healthy Cornwall team!

We'll give you tips on how to eat healthily on a budget with everyday ingredients from your local shop. In this video we create Cottage Pie - a good option for a completely adaptable meal which could be vegan or veggie - made with any sort of mince.

It's packed full of vegetables too - at least 2, or even 3 of your 5 a day. Perfect comfort food after a busy day.

Watch the video

Join the 'Healthy Families Pilot' Programme

Do you want to help your family live a healthier lifestyle? Do you have a child aged 5-12 who is above their ideal weight? If so, you might be eligible for a new free programme from Healthy Cornwall and Gro Health.

This programme will give you and your family access to the Gro Health app, which is an award-winning tool to track your nutrition, activity, sleep and mood. You will also get personalised support and guidance from a health coach from the Healthy Cornwall team.

To apply you need to have at least one child aged 5-12 in your household who is above their ideal weight for their height and age. You can check this using this easy NHS BMI calculator.

But hurry, this is a pilot scheme and there are only 60 places available. Don't miss this chance to make a positive change for your family's health and happiness!

Find out more

New jobs and careers website for Cornwall

There’s a new website for jobs, careers, courses, and skills for residents and businesses in Cornwall.

The website, created by Cornwall Council, aims to boost the economy by highlighting local career and training opportunities for people of all ages.
As well as jobs and apprenticeship opportunities, the website is full of useful information and tools for young people, adults, employers, teachers and parents. It provides information on upskilling, exploring new careers, getting your first step on the career ladder, preparing for interviews and more.

The site also includes a dedicated Employer Hub and a Hub for people with special educational needs.

Find out more

Measles: it’s not just a kids’ problem

Teenagers, young adults and anyone who has missed their MMR vaccination can get measles.

Symptoms to look out for include:

  • high fever
  • rash – sometimes starting around the ears
  • sore red eyes
  • cough
  • aching and feeling unwell

If you think you may have measles call your GP first before attending a clinic, or contact NHS 111.

Make sure you have had your 2 doses of MMR vaccine. If you haven’t contact your GP now.

Little moments together

The more we chat, play and read with our kids, the more we help build their brains. Any time, anywhere, whether at home or out and about, it all adds up.

There’s no need to buy lots of toys or have big days out. Wherever you are, simply chatting back and forth, answering your child’s questions and sharing special moments together all help their brain to grow and develop secure and strong connections. Just what they need to get off to the right start at school.

The Start for Life website is packed with simple ideas from other parents on how to build these little moments into each day. It includes lots of examples of tips and activities for you to do together with your child at different ages, as well as links to find further support in your local area.

Get little moments together ideas

New planning rules to limit short term lets in Cornwall

We're welcoming the government’s introduction of new rules requiring planning permission for properties to be used as short term lets.
The changes, announced by Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities on a visit to St Agnes last week, are aimed at limiting the number of short-term holiday lets.
It means that a planning application will be needed for anyone renting out their main or sole home for more than 90 nights a year, and are intended to provide support in areas where short-term lets are preventing local people from renting or buying a home. The new rules also propose other changes including a national mandatory register of  short term lets.

The new rules won't come into immediate effect and we're waiting for more details from the Government. 

Read more

Stop. Think Fraud!

Criminals are great pretenders. They may contact you pretending to be a trusted person or company.

A new national campaign Stop! Think Fraud aims to help you understand the different types of fraud and the tactics which criminals can use against you. 
The website helps you learn the tactics criminals use so you can see the different types of fraud, how to better protect yourselves and the people you know, as well as ways to report if you have been a victim of fraud. 

Learn fraudster tactics and stay safe

The NHS and Government have launched a dental recovery plan to give patients fairer, simpler and easier access to dental care.

The plan includes offering dentists 'golden hello' cash incentives for working in under-served areas and taking on more NHS patients.

It will also send teams into schools to treat children's teeth.

You can read the plan on the Government's website.

You can now get on-the-day appointments at primary care hubs if you're suffering from the symptoms of minor illnesses.

The hubs are run by a GP or other healthcare practitioner experienced with minor illness, who can offer advice and onward care including issuing prescriptions.

Contact your GP surgery in the usual way and, if appropriate, an appointment will be made for you at a nearby hub.

The aim is to ease urgent, on-the-day demand for GP appointments, allowing surgeries to focus on their patients with long-term conditions. Hubs are being set up across Cornwall, with at least 8 in place already and more being added.

Find out more about the new primary care hubs.

Free NHS talking therapies can help

Are you or someone you care about struggling with feelings of depression or anxiety?

Free NHS Talking Therapies could help. They're confidential, delivered by accredited NHS practitioners, and can help if you're suffering with excessive worry, panic attacks, social anxiety, obsessive thoughts, compulsive behaviours or post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

You can access free help - in person, by video, over the phone or as an online course - by referring yourself to an NHS Talking Therapy service, or by asking your GP to.

Find an NHS talking therapy

Household Waste Recycling Centres

Some of Cornwall’s Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) are trialling new recycling services, including paint reuse, wetsuit reuse, and free DIY waste disposal.

Paint reuse

Truro HWRC has introduced a new paint reuse service. Residents can drop off new or good quality left over paint for others to collect, free of charge. The service will be rolled out across more HWRC sites later this year. 

Wetsuit reuse

After a successful launch at St Erth (Hayle) and Newquay, three more HWRCs are now collecting old wetsuits – St Day (United Downs), Falmouth and Penryn, and Bude. All wetsuits are donated to the Wave Project to help support surf therapy programmes. 

DIY waste

Charges have now been removed for the disposal of asbestos, plasterboard, soil/rubble, and tyres at eight HWRCs, for an initial six month trial from 2 January. Residents can now dispose of up to eight bags or four sheets of material per week at St Erth (Hayle), Falmouth and Penryn, Truro, Newquay, St Austell, Tintagel (Bowithick), Bude and Saltash. 

Please note that during this time Bodmin, Connon Bridge, Redruth (Pool), Helston, Launceston and St Day (United Downs) HWRCs are unable to accept this material. 

There’s more information on all these services on

The successful skills training programme Train4Tomorrow has won funding from the Department for Education to boost employment opportunities across Cornwall and Devon. 

The programme, led by Devon County Council and delivered in partnership with Cornwall Council, will get £6.4million in 2024/2025 to enable more than 2,000 adults to access Skills Bootcamps in a variety of dynamic sectors.

Skills Bootcamps are available in a range of sectors. New for this year will be Skills Bootcamps in childcare, heavy goods vehicle driving, and creative sectors such as film production, photography, and media.

Find out more about Train4Tomorrow.

Did you know that millions of people in the UK are using the NHS App to manage their health the easy way?

From viewing their health records and test results to ordering prescriptions, the NHS App makes managing your health easier.

Find out how you can order repeat prescriptions using the NHS App.

Find out how you can securely view your health records in the NHS App

A brilliant place for children

Pupils from 9 primary schools helped launch a new wellbeing journal at the Hall for Cornwall in Truro this week.

Called My Brilliant Place to be ME! the journal has been created for the young people of Cornwall. It’s all about helping them learn to look after their wellbeing and feel good!

Headstart Kernow have created the journal with help from primary school children across our communities and it contains a range of activities and information that young people can work through at their own pace, at school, at home or on the move. The launch coincided with this week's Children’s Mental Health Week.

The journal is free and available to everyone online. Printed copies will also be available to local children through schools.

Find out more

New health programme supporting armed forces veterans 

A new ‘social prescribing’ programme, has been launched in Cornwall aimed at supporting our armed forces community with their mental and physical wellbeing. 

Two Armed Forces Community Social Prescribing Link Workers - both of whom have served in the armed forces themselves, have been recruited. Their job will be to help veterans and their families access help like medical care and mental health support, as well as support with housing, finances and employment. 

Research shows that ex-service personnel are more likely to present with complex healthcare needs in comparison with the UK general population and around 60% of military personnel with mental health issues do not seek help.  
Find out more

Sign up for e-billing and make managing council tax quick and easy

Need your council tax bill? No need to scrabble under the bed, rifle through the filing cabinet in the garage, or waste time trying to locate the right ‘pile’.

When you register for e-billing, you can access your council tax bill wherever and whenever you want. If you need it for proof of ID, you can log in and download it with just a few clicks, no matter where you are.

If you want to make a payment, see your balance or download your documents they’re all in one secure place online. And, you’re helping the environment by saving paper.

You can watch the video to see how to set up an online account or Go straight to our registration page if you're feeling confident. Or, if you've registered already, you can check your account here.

More on managing your council tax online

FREE healthier relationships courses for parents in Cornwall

Whether you're parenting together or separately, one of the best things you can do for your child is to improve the relationship between you as parents.

And no matter where you are in your parenting journey, you can learn to manage stress and communicate more effectively with one of our workshops, groups or courses.
The courses can be accessed online, entirely on your own, or through a group workshop at which you meet other parents and professionals face-to-face and include:
  • Me, You and Baby Too – a course for all new or expectant parents
  • Arguing Better – a course for parents with a child of any age
  • Getting it Right for Children – a course for separating or separated parents
Find out more

Could you be saving money on your childcare?

Families in Cornwall could be saving money on their childcare costs but some simply don’t know what support is out there.

The Childcare Choices website brings together all the existing childcare offers in one place so parents can get the help that fits their family, including:

  • tax-free childcare
  • 30 Hours childcare
  • Universal Credit childcare

You may be able to take up more than one childcare scheme at a time and more help is on the way:

  • some working parents with children aged 2 will be able to access up to 15 hours of childcare from April 2024
  • some working parents with children aged 9 to 23 months will be able to access up to 15 hours of childcare from September 2024 
  • some working parents with children aged 9 months to school age will be able to access up to 30 hours of childcare from September 2025

There will be more support for primary-school aged children coming too. 

Check what you're entitled to

New Library Service PINs

The Library Service are introducing PIN numbers to all library memberships from December 4.

You'll need a PIN to reserve books, use our public network computers or access our online app PressReader. 

On December 4, the Library Service will set all library card PIN numbers to the last four digits of the account number on your library card.

After this date, please log into your account on the Library Catalogue to reset your PIN to something more memorable to you.

If you need help, please come into one of our libraries and ask a member of staff to give you a hand.

Visit the Library Service website

Ready, Steady... Grow - bookings open!

Healthy Cornwall now have dates available to book onto their new, FREE Ready, Steady…Grow prenatal and postnatal health and wellbeing programme.

The sessions focus on the health and wellbeing of both baby and you, discussing a variety of health topics such as healthy nutrition and getting active, in a relaxed, informal and comfortable environment.

Sessions are now available to book in a variety of locations throughout Cornwall and online. Head to the Healthy Cornwall website now to book.

Keep an eye out for flyposting

There is no formal definition of flyposting, but it is generally taken to mean the display of advertising material on buildings and street furniture without the consent of the owner. 

Unauthorised flyposting on both public and private property is a criminal offence. It can result in fines being given out by the Magistrates Court, or a fixed penalty notice up to £80 being issued by Cornwall Council or the Police. 

Please advise local residents of this if you are approached for advice. Also, if you are aware of examples of flyposting and can identify the perpetrator, you can report this to Cornwall Council for investigation using these links:

Learn First Aid Gestures


Community Emergency Plan

The community emergency plan document can be found here

It was created in 2018 and distributed to all parish households - some details have changed but the general information is still relevant.

November 2020

Covid - 19 Directory amended pdf here

Launcells Parish Defibrillators

The first defibrillator is located at Launcells Parish Hall in Grimscott - EX23 9LS

The second is It is located at the Red Post Inn, by the post box - EX23 9NW.

As before, should you need access to this "self-guiding" piece of equipment, just phone 999 and follow the instructions on the cabinet. You will then be given the access code to open it. The machine then tells you how to use it.

We would hope to arrange another set of training for the use of a defibrillator, once we return to normal, but in the meanwhile, attached is the note that was in the Parish Magazine a while back.

What is a Defibrillator?

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