Playing Field Committee:
Launcells Playing Field Committee Annual General Meeting 2022.
You are invited to attend the AGM of the Launcells Playing Field Committee on Monday 23rd May 2022 at 7pm.
The meeting will take place at the Playing Field.
New members are most welcome.
Call 01288 381 836 for more details if required. Thank you.
February Meeting Minutes:
Launcells Playing Field Committee Meeting -
Friday 11th February 2022 at 12 noon at Launcells Playing Field
Graham Tape, Royston Symons, Stephanie Rakhshani, Sheridon Rosser were in attendance.
Apologies were received from Alan Whittle.
Grant application:
Grant application - there is a grant opportunity to apply to the East Langford Solar Farm Fund. We agreed to progress forward on the zip wire installation. This had previously been applied for in March 2020, but funds were deferred due to Covid-19. Re-quote to be sought from the cheapest company - Outdoor Play. The application is to be submitted as per the last application. Closing date 21st February - panel meeting 4th April. Note since meeting - quote has risen to £9250.00 + VAT from £7950 - still cheaper than the next in line quotation from two years ago. Application being prepared.
End of grant form to be completed for the past groundworks to the entrance.
Picnic benches:
Picnic bench offer - Launcells Hall Committee are very kindly offering to purchase a durable picnic bench made from recycled plastic.
Some members of the hall committee felt that it would be better for the playing field to benefit from two of these picnic benches. It was suggested that they make an approach to Richard and Fionagh Harding at Norton Barton to their wind turbine fund to aid this. The cost of the benches is £495 each + VAT. Graham is talking with the Hardings.
The Playing Field Committee are very grateful for this kind gesture. Secretary to contact Alison Butler to thank the Hall Committee.
Grass cutting:
Grass cutting costs were discussed. At the recent Parish Council Meeting the grass cutting costs had been discussed. The funds are tight within the parish and the suggestion was made that the playing field committee cover half of these costs.
Grass cutting costs for 2021 were: £588.11. The bank account for the playing field stands at £334.28 as of November 2021. Paying half of that cost would obviously leave very little in the account for any repairs or unexpected costs.
The Playing Field Committee Constitution doesn’t cater for fund-raising for ongoing maintenance costs either. The Constitution is formed to raise funds for equipment and promote the use of the facilities to all the inhabitants of Launcells.
The committee agreed to make a donation towards the grass cutting costs, following fund raising events - but at this stage are not in a position to contribute.
Ash dieback:
Ash dieback is an issue particularly with the hedge bank trees. Graham indicated that Alan had already offered to help him to remove trees. Royston offered to help if available. It was agreed that the wood should be taken as payment for the work.
RoSPA have confirmed their inspection is booked. They will be here in April.
All committee members inspected the equipment thoroughly! The longer tunnel needs a quick repair from where it was closed off but is no longer. Graham agreed to cable tie it back.
Swings need greasing, Sheridon agreed to see to that.
Equipment could do with a clean, Steph and Sheridon agreed to do this in the February half term.
Any other business:
Graham said that the parish council will be planting a commemorative tree in the playing field for the Queens Jubilee.
Sheridon said that she would be stepping down from the secretary role and leaving the committee at the end of the year due to other commitments.
Meeting ended.
September News:
We have just had our entrance works completed by GM Contractors - we now have more of a hard standing within the entrance. This will be utilised when events are able to commence again.
We've recently been able to have the Playing Field gateposts replaced and the gates re hung - thanks to Darren and co from Kilkhampton Gardening & Fencing.
Thanks for the great work.....
2021 Playing Field Committee Agenda - MEETING DATE - TUESDAY 18TH MAY 2021 @6:30PM AT THE PLAYING FIELD
2021 Playing Field Committee AGM Minutes - can be found by clicking the black link
2021 Playing Field Accounts - can be found by clicking the black link
2020 Playing Field Committee AGM Minutes can be found on this page
2019 Playing Field Accounts can be found here but need to be read in conjunction with the 2018 accounts.