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Launcells Parish Council

Minutes February 2024

Monday 5th February 2024

The meeting of Launcells Parish Council was held on the above date at 7:30pm, in Launcells Parish Hall.

Councillors Present:

Vice-Chair Cllr Allin, Cllr Cleave, Cllr Wingard, Cllr Stokes, Cllr Whittle, Cllr Constantinou, Cllr Pollard, Cllr Elliott.

Also in attendance: Clerk Julie Gray.

0 members of the public were present for the meeting.

Cllr Allin opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.

Record of Apologies.


Cllr Hargreaves and Cllr Tape could not make the meeting and sent their apologies.

Confirm the Minutes of the previous Meeting.


It was resolved to approve the minutes and ratify all decisions made at the meeting held on Monday 8th January 2024. 7 in favour. 1 abstained, due to not being present at the previous meeting. The Chair, Cllr Allin, signed them as a correct record.



  1. There were no declarations.



  1. There were no dispensation requests.

Matters Arising.


  1. None

Public Participation.


There were no members of the public present.

Report from Cornwall Councillor Chopak.


Cllr Chopak could not attend the meeting and sent her apologies.


2.24/295: – all correspondence circulated via email.

  1. The Rural Bulletin.
  2. Affordable Housing Newsletter.
  3. Town & Parish Council Newsletter.
  4. CALC Membership Survey.
  5. Parishioner correspondence.
    Last year the Council supported a planning application and county council are raising objections. This may go to the 5-day protocol - the Councillors will look out for this and select an option to go forward,
  6. Keeping Cornwall Updated.
  7. Planning News for Local Councils.



  1. Decision Notices/Updates:
    1. PA23/09316 | Change of use of land at Shernick Farm to private dog exercise area | Land At Shernick Farm Bridgerule Holsworthy Cornwall EX22.
      Highway’s commented that there is adequate inter-visibility in all directions and the access bell mouth is wide enough to enable two vehicles to pass, avoiding vehicles reversing onto the highway therefore they have no objection to this application.
  2. Planning Applications/Appeals:
    Any late planning applications received will be discussed but not decided under this section.
    1. PA24/00001 | construction of a single storey extension to existing dwelling. | Rhude Cross Barn Launcells Bude Cornwall EX23 9LG.
      Launcells Parish Council unanimously object to the application as it is extending beyond the original footprint of the barn.

To receive oral or written reports and authorise any action.


  1. Chairman / Councillor.
    Cllr Whittle attended the Climate Jury Launch at the Falcon Hotel. The key outcome of the meeting was that the Environmental Agency has received another £3 million and will work with the Climate Jury to discuss on how best to spend the funds. The summary of the meeting will be annexed to the minutes on the Parish Council website.
    Cllr Whittle has agreed to be on the North Cornwall CAP Community Levelling Up Committee to recommend on funding applications.
  2. The Clerk.
    • The History Club had their meeting and they will be arranging storing of the archive content and the heating can then be switched off. The Club is happy to store the filing cabinet once checks have been made with Cllr Whittle concerning the lottery funding and it is found to be permissible.
    • There is planning training on both the Local Plan and Neighbourhood Planning and to refresh understanding of land potentially available for development, known as a Call for Sites. The training is online on Wednesday 28 February, 4.00-5.30 pm.
    • Cornwall Link is inviting the parish to promote the parish on their community platform for free.
      Cornwall Link is a free online community directory that connects people in Cornwall to their community. You can post a variety of community listings, services, events or volunteering opportunities to this platform. The Clerk will forward this to the Parish Hall to consider.
    • A 12-week consultation on the draft Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Strategy opened Monday. The survey is on the Let’s Talk Cornwall website.
    • The financial quarterly check was completed by Cllr Whittle. There were no concerns.
    • New additions to the website:
      • Measles information.
      • Information on signing up to Council Tax e-billing.
      • New health programme support for veterans.
      • Rural Business Grant information.
      • Information on a health advice messaging service.
      • Free children’s wellness sessions in half term at Luxulyan Valley



Pot holes have been reported to Highways using the online tool - some have been filled and others are in hand.

Local Maintenance Partnership.


The rates have increased by 4.9% from the previous year, and therefore the Parish Council is offered £134.87 for the cutting of Public Rights of Way.

It was unanimously agreed to accept the contract and to request last year’s contractor undertake the work again.

Magazine Contribution.


Cllr Wingard is contributing to the March issue and Cllr Stokes will contribute to the April one.

Finance & Legislation.


  1. Ratification of payments totalling £310.60 as per January schedule plus £17 reimbursement for the planter. It was resolved to authorise the payments. Proposed Cllr Whittle. Seconded Cllr Allin. Unanimous.
  2. To note Bank reconciliations. – transferred money into reserve a/c
  3. To note Income & Bank Balances as per the schedule and reconciliations.

Urgent Matters raised with the Chairman since the Agenda was published.



Date of next meeting and note items from Councillors for the Agenda.


Monday 4th March 2024

Meeting closed at 8pm


Annex - Bude Area Community Jury on Climate Change (PDF)


During the meeting it may arise that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential or special nature of the business to be transacted and the press and public will be instructed to withdraw.

When this arises, the Chair will recommend to consider passing the following resolution: “to resolve that in view of the confidential or special nature of the business to be discussed, the public are excluded and instructed to withdraw.”

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