Minutes January 2024
Monday 8th January 2024
The meeting of Launcells Parish Council was held on the above date at 7:30pm, in Launcells Parish Hall.
Councillors Present:
Chairman Cllr Hargreaves, Vice-Chair Cllr Allin, Cllr Cleave, Cllr Wingard, Cllr Stokes, Cllr Whittle, Cllr Constantinou, Cllr Pollard and Cllr Tape.
Also in attendance: Clerk Julie Gray and Cllr Chopak.
0 members of the public were present for the meeting.
Cllr Hargreaves opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.
Record of Apologies.
Cllr Elliott sent his apologies.
Confirm the Minutes of the previous Meeting.
It was resolved to approve the minutes and ratify all decisions made at the meeting held on Monday 4th December 2023. 7 in favour. 2 abstained, due to not being present at the previous meeting. The Chair, Cllr Hargreaves, signed them as a correct record.
- Cllr Whittle declared an interest in Agenda Item 9b)(ii) Planning Application PA23/09780.
- There were no dispensation requests.
Matters Arising.
- None
Public Participation.
There were no members of the public present.
Report from Cornwall Councillor Chopak.
Cllr Chopak wished everyone a happy new year.
Council tax will be increasing by 4.9%.
Cllr Chopak will be attending the Police Crime Panel next week. It is expected that their budget will increase and Cllr Chopak is requesting that a breakdown of costs to be published with the council tax bill.
There have been issues with speeding down the country lanes this winter. There have been a few incidents with wet leaves therefore to be vigilant when out and about.
There is not much money in the highways budget but there will be small projects being undertaken that have to be completed by 31 March.
1.24/278: – all correspondence circulated via email.
- Off-Street Order Consultation.
- The Rural Bulletin.
- Keeping Cornwall Updated.
- Decision Notices/Updates:
- PA22/11393 | Outline application for a phased development of up to two dwellings, with all matters reserved except for access. | Land North Of The Granary Marsh Farm Howard Lane Stratton Bude Cornwall EX23 9TF.
APPROVED. - PA23/04678 | Outline Planning Permission application for siting of two (mobile home) holiday units and erection of stable block including access (all other matters reserved). | Land North West Of Lower Marsh Howard Lane Stratton Bude Cornwall EX23 9TE.
- PA22/11393 | Outline application for a phased development of up to two dwellings, with all matters reserved except for access. | Land North Of The Granary Marsh Farm Howard Lane Stratton Bude Cornwall EX23 9TF.
- Planning Applications/Appeals:
Any late planning applications received will be discussed but not decided under this section.- PA23/09389 | Change of use from residential to holiday let. | 3 Lower Pigsdon Farm Barns Launcells Bude Cornwall EX23 9LQ.
Launcells Parish Council support the application. 8 in favour, 1 against. - ***Cllr Whittle left the meeting***
PA23/09780 | To construct an agricultural building to house and preserve historic vintage farm equipment. | Oakstone Bridgerule Holsworthy Cornwall EX22 7HD.
Launcells Parish Council unanimously support the application.
***Cllr Whittle returned to the meeting***
- PA23/09389 | Change of use from residential to holiday let. | 3 Lower Pigsdon Farm Barns Launcells Bude Cornwall EX23 9LQ.
To receive oral or written reports and authorise any action.
- Chairman / Councillor.
Cllr Whittle and Cllr Chopak attended the December Community Area Partnership meeting. This was a focused meeting on housing. Cllr Chopak took three casework scenarios to the meeting and asked the panel what they thought Cornwall Council should do in each case.
The next meeting will focus on renewable energy. An opinion was put forward that heat pumps substantially increase the electricity bill. Cllr Whittle put forward that Bude Climate employ an energy advisor that can advise anyone on climate friendly solutions and their cost, for free. - The Clerk.
- The Clerk received an email from the History Club - they do have funds to add to the current balance the parish council hold, which will cover the next electricity bill. They have a group meeting in the new year to agree a way forward and consider options so the short-term request is to keep the heating on.
- On 6th December, the Government brought in regulations detailing increased statutory planning fees. Planning also highlighted that the Planning Guarantee for non-major planning applications has been reduced from 26 to 16 weeks. This means applicants may have their planning fee returned if a decision has not been made within 16 weeks of submitting their application and an extension of time has not been agreed.
It is important they receive timely responses to planning consultations. If the Parish Council fail to respond the case officer may proceed assuming that no response means that the Council have no comments to make.
It should be noted that whilst Local Planning Authorities still have the option of using extensions of time, the government has set out that these should only be used in exceptional circumstances. - The Climate Jury Launch is on Monday – Cllr Whittle is attending, therefore will represent Launcells Parish Council.
- The quarterly check paperwork was supplied to Alan.
- The mental health plaques have been received. Cllr Tape will place them in the bus stops.
- The Clerk has added information to the Parish Council website:
- £600 start up grant for childminders.
- Free healthier relationship courses for parents.
- Health Care survey – do you know where to get help etc.
- Healthy Cornwall have information on how to get help to get active, lose weight and stop smoking – in person or online.
- The road between Buttsbear Cross and Jewells Cross is due to be closed on 29/1 – 31/1/24.
- Measles information.
- Childcare choices – tax free childcare, 30 hours childcare and Universal Credit childcare.
- Free evening parking in the majority of Cornwall Council car parks until 31/3/24.
- New pin numbers for library memberships are now required.
- Information on help with the cost of living.
Future Meeting dates.
The first Monday in the month are no longer an issue for meetings therefore all future meeting will be on the first Monday unless this falls on a bank holiday.
The April meeting date is on Easter Monday, therefore the Councillors agreed to hold the April meeting on Thursday 4th April.
The May meeting will be the week after as the 6/5 is a Bank Holiday.
There was no further update this month.
The Clerk withdrew the project application. The Community Levelling Up Facilitator offered to reduce the survey response figure, due to the low amount of funding we required.
The Councillors unanimously agree to continue with the withdrawal due to the lack of community support in the project.
Parish Magazine Contribution.
Cllr Cleave will contribute to the next magazine issue.
Cllr Wingard will contribute to the one after.
Finance & Legislation.
- Ratification of payments totalling £898.60 as per December schedule. It was resolved to authorise the payments. Proposed Cllr Hargreave. Seconded Cllr Whittle. Unanimous.
- To note Bank reconciliations. The current account was transferred into the reserve account.
- To note Income & Bank Balances as per the schedule and reconciliations. Interest has risen by £10pm due to the transfer.
Urgent Matters raised with the Chairman since the Agenda was published.
An application for Woodall Products to continue trading in a layby on the A3072 between Stratton and Redpost was received after the agenda was published with a deadline of 25th January. An extension of time until the next meeting was refused.
The Council had no objection to the trade being undertaken but they remain concerned about parking which may lead to hazardous conditions on the highway.
Date of next meeting and note items from Councillors for the Agenda.
Monday 5th February 2024
Meeting closed at 8.23pm
During the meeting it may arise that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential or special nature of the business to be transacted and the press and public will be instructed to withdraw.
When this arises, the Chair will recommend to consider passing the following resolution: “to resolve that in view of the confidential or special nature of the business to be discussed, the public are excluded and instructed to withdraw.”