Minutes January 2025
Thursday 9th January 2025
The meeting of Launcells Parish Council was held on the above date at 7:30pm, in Launcells Parish Hall.
Councillors Present:
Chairman Cllr Hargreaves, Cllr Cleave, Cllr Pollard, Cllr Tape, Cllr Stokes, Cllr Whittle, Cllr Wingard.
Also in attendance: Clerk Julie Gray.
0 members of the public were present for the meeting.
Cllr Hargreaves opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.
Record of Apologies.
Cllr Constantinou and Cllr Elliott could not make the meeting and sent their apologies.
Cllr Allin did not attend.
Confirm the Minutes of the previous Meeting.
It was unanimously resolved to approve the minutes and ratify all decisions made at the meeting held on Thursday 5th December 2024. The Chair, Cllr Hargreaves, signed them as a correct record.
- There were no declarations.
- There were no dispensation requests.
Matters Arising.
- The Clerk contacted Highways concerning the missing border sign. Highways stated that it appears to have been stolen as the posts are still intact. The sign is on their replacement programme and will be installed using anti-theft bolts.
- The Clerk contacted Highways concerning the hedge at Launcells Cross. Highways will ask for a further inspection of the hedge and then speak to the landowner as necessary.
- With regards to the bus stop solar light, Highways could probably find up to £1k but they do not have the available funding for the full £2272.64.
- The traffic mirror for Launcells Cross has been delivered.
Public Participation.
There were no members of the public present.
Report from Cornwall Councillor Chopak.
Cllr Chopak sent her apologies.
1.25/163: – all correspondence circulated via email.
- Interim Report of Levelling Up.
- Indicative Bid for 25 Cornwall Council Car Parks.
- NHS 10-year Plan Consultation. The Clerk will ask the Parish Magazine to publish the link and add the link to the website, as members of the public may wish to consult on this issue.
- Keeping Cornwall Updated.
- Bell Geospace Survey.
- Off Street Parking Order.
- Cornwall Council email regarding Car Parks.
- Decision Notices/Updates:
- PA24/08447 | Prior notification of agricultural or forestry development for the building of an extension for the housing of livestock and straw. | Lower Ossington Launcells Bude Cornwall EX23 9NL.
Prior approval from the Local Authority is not required for this development. - PA24/07706 | Submission of details to discharge condition no. 5 in respect of decision notice no. PA24/02761 dated 05/09/2024. | Pigsdon Quarry Road From The County Boundary To The A39 Between Old Kilkhampton Road And Stone Hill Bude EX23 9LQ.
SATISFIED. Discharge of condition No. 5 and 6. - PA24/01957 | Agricultural sheds for livestock | Penleaze Hobbacott Lane Marhamchurch Bude Cornwall EX23 0ET.
APPROVED. No external lighting shall be installed as part of the use of land and development unless the details of the external lighting, including its location, specification, design, luminance level and shielding, has been submitted to and approved by the Council. - PA24/05515 | Replacement Poultry Rearing Building | Treyeo Farm Bridgerule Holsworthy Cornwall EX22 7HA.
- PA24/08447 | Prior notification of agricultural or forestry development for the building of an extension for the housing of livestock and straw. | Lower Ossington Launcells Bude Cornwall EX23 9NL.
- Planning Applications/Appeals:
Any late planning applications received will be discussed but not decided under this section.- PA24/09712 | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for existing use as a dwelling without complying with an agricultural occupancy condition | Barcotta Bridgerule Holsworthy Cornwall EX22 7JU.
Launcells Parish Council unanimously has no objection. - PA22/11471 | Change of use of land for the siting of a caravan to be occupied by a traveller and the installation of a sewage treatment plant | Land South Of Kitts Farm Stratton Bude Cornwall EX23 9NR.
This was a late addition due to receipt of the 5-day protocol after the agenda had been published.
Launcells Parish Council unanimously agreed to disagree with the planning officer unless Cllr Chopak believes it can be taken further. The Clerk will contact Cllr Chopak.
- PA24/09712 | Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for existing use as a dwelling without complying with an agricultural occupancy condition | Barcotta Bridgerule Holsworthy Cornwall EX22 7JU.
To receive oral or written reports and authorise any action.
- Chairman / Councillor.
There was nothing to report this month. - The Clerk.
- The elections are this year and CALC is offering training. The cost is £35. It was unanimously agreed for the Clerk to attend the training.
- The Clerk received an email today that Parking Services has extended the closing date of the Parking Consultation to 23:59 on Monday 13th January 2025 for all Parish Councils.
- There is planning training on Weds 29 January, 4.00-5.15 pm for important updates following the planning changes that came into effect in December. The Clerk will send this to the Councillors tomorrow.
- Cornwall Scrapstore have asked for help either funding, advertising or collecting materials. The Clerk will ask the Parish Magazine to add this to the magazine and will publish the letter on the website.
Parish Magazine Contribution.
Cllr Wingard and Cllr Pollard swapped therefore Cllr Wingard will now contribute to February’s edition. Cllr Cleave will contribute to March’s and Cllr Stokes will contribute to April’s.
CCTV Review.
This was deferred until next month.
Emergency Plan: Telecommunications Resilience Planning.
The working party is in the process of finalising the updates. It was felt useful for all Councillors to have a hard copy and also for one to be kept in the Parish Hall. This item will be added to next month’s agenda.
Budget – October - December.
The budget was circulated. It was unanimously agreed that the cost of the traffic mirrors would be set against the grant budget.
Grant Appeal:
- Bude Skate Park Appeal
The Clerk contacted the Skatepark project. The estimated cost of the Skatepark is in the region of £500k. The project has some match funding from BSTC and £100k grant funding. They are in the process of redoing the design during planning phase at the moment due to Environmental concerns. It was agreed that we will await further information.
Finance & Legislation.
- Ratification of payments totalling £372.83 as per December schedule. It was unanimously resolved to authorise the payments.
- To note Bank reconciliations.
- To note Income & Bank Balances as per the schedule and reconciliations.
Urgent Matters raised with the Chairman since the Agenda was published.
The drain by the chapel was clogged thereby causing flooding to the road; and there is also a hole in the road just East of Morton Pound farm going towards the county boundary on the Bradworthy Road to be reported. There is also significant degradation of the road and holes the Cornish side of the bridge over the Tamar on the same Road. Cllr Pollard will report these.
Horse riders have requested that a warning sign be placed at Launcells Cross on the main road stating that horses are crossing.
On the 18th January there will be a big breakfast at the Parish Hall.
Date of next meeting and note items from Councillors for the Agenda.
Monday 3rd February 2025
Meeting closed at 8.20 pm
During the meeting it may arise that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential or special nature of the business to be transacted and the press and public will be instructed to withdraw.
When this arises, the Chair will recommend to consider passing the following resolution: “to resolve that in view of the confidential or special nature of the business to be discussed, the public are excluded and instructed to withdraw.”