Minutes June 2024
Monday 3rd June 2024
The meeting of Launcells Parish Council was held on the above date at 7:30pm, in Launcells Parish Hall.
Councillors Present:
Chairman Cllr Hargreaves, Vice-Chair Cllr Allin, Cllr Cleave, Cllr Pollard, Cllr Tape, Cllr Constantinou, Cllr Stokes.
Also in attendance: Clerk Julie Gray.
0 members of the public were present for the meeting.
Cllr Hargreaves opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.
Record of Apologies.
Cllr Whittle and Cllr Elliott could not make the meeting and sent their apologies.
Cllr Wingard did not attend.
Confirm the Minutes of the previous Meeting.
It was unanimously resolved to approve the minutes and ratify all decisions made at the meeting held on Monday 13th May 2024. The Chair, Cllr Hargreaves, signed them as a correct record.
- Cllr Pollard declared an interest in Agenda Item 9b)(i) Planning PA24/02188.
- It was unanimously agreed to grant Cllr Pollard a dispensation to remain in the room for Agenda Item 9b)(i).
Matters Arising.
- Cllr Hargreaves has purchased a mirror for Launcells Cross.
- Cllr Tape stated that the parishioners he spoke to have agreed to take on the upkeep of the planters.
Public Participation.
There were no members of the public present.
Report from Cornwall Councillor Chopak.
Cllr Chopak sent her apologies.
6.24/52: – all correspondence circulated via email.
- Local Planning Training.
- SWW Roadshow.
- The Rural Bulletin.
- Keeping Cornwall Updated.
- Decision Notices/Updates:
- PA24/01972 | Extension to existing domestic dwelling within the domestic curtilage of the property. | Rhude Cross Barn Launcells Bude Cornwall EX23 9LG.
APPROVED. - PA24/01803 | Reserved matters application for siting of two (mobile home) holiday units and erection of stable block (details of appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale following outline consent PA23/04678 dated 06.12.2023) | Land North West Of Lower Marsh Howard Lane Stratton Bude Cornwall EX23 9TE.
APPROVED. It shall be used as holiday accommodation only and shall not be occupied as a person's sole or main residence. No further external lighting other than the lighting outlined in the Planning Statement shall be installed.
- PA24/01972 | Extension to existing domestic dwelling within the domestic curtilage of the property. | Rhude Cross Barn Launcells Bude Cornwall EX23 9LG.
- Planning Applications/Appeals:
Any late planning applications received will be discussed but not decided under this section.- PA24/02188 | Construction of an extension to Poultry rearing building | Treyeo Farm Bridgerule Holsworthy Cornwall EX22 7HA.
Launcells Parish Council support the application. 6 in favour. 1 abstention.
- PA24/02188 | Construction of an extension to Poultry rearing building | Treyeo Farm Bridgerule Holsworthy Cornwall EX22 7HA.
To receive oral or written reports and authorise any action.
- Chairman / Councillor.
The Chairman raised an email sent to Cllr Whittle concerning the AGM and poor attendance by local groups or their representatives at this year's Parish AGM. Councillors discussed this and will bring forward plans to possibly amend the format of the meeting, to invite wider participation and to include a social, community element to the next AGM. Plans will be discussed further at the next meeting. - The Clerk.
- NALC have published a revised edition of the Good Councillor’s Guide 2024 or there is a downloadable version also available. Councillors can contact the Clerk if they wish to obtain one.
- The Clerk has added new information to the Parish Council website:
- Voter ID;
- Recycling Collections survey;
- Reminder to have a fire escape plan;
- ‘Diabetes & You’ online booking system launched;
- Diabetes survey;
- Help request for general election;
- Why there is lots of pot holes film;
- What happens when you report a pot hole film;
- ChatHealth children lines;
- Lost dogs;
- Dog beach restrictions;
- Win a free office for a year;
- Childminder grants;
- Taking part of a scientific effort to monitor coastline changes;
- Impact of libraries.
There is no update at this time.
A comment was made on facebook concerning the danger at Launcells Cross. Cllr Whittle addressed the comment. A parishioner has already erected one mirror and has kindly agreed to erect the mirror covering the exit of Prustacott Lane onto the Kilkhampton / Red Post road purchased by the Chairman in the next few days. It is hoped that once the mirror is placed this will reduce the danger of the junction.
Parish Magazine Contribution.
There was a misunderstanding and Cllr Elliott missed the June edition. Cllr Elliott is now contributing to the next one (July). Cllr Whittle is contributing to August’s.
The insurance payment was due by the 1st June therefore the Clerk paid this fee of £535.86 by authority of rule 5.5 of the Financial Policy - the Clerk has delegated authority to authorise the payment of items if the due date for payment is before the next scheduled Meeting of Council, where the Clerk certifies that there is no dispute or other reason to delay payment, provided that a list of such payments is bought to the next meeting. The Clerk certified this and has made the payment.
Financial Regulations Review.
The updated Financial Regulations from CALC were circulated to the Cllrs.
The Councillors unanimously agreed to adopt them. The Clerk agreed to investigate the possibility of having two Councillors obtaining digital sight of the bank accounts now that cheques signed by Councillors have been discontinued.
Risk Assessment.
The risk assessment was circulated to the Councillors. The risk assessment was unanimously approved
In the insurance policy there is a Fidelity Guarantee Persons Guaranteed: Sum Guaranteed All members and employees £250,000 each and every loss.
Audit 2023/24.
- Internal Auditor Update.
- Certificate of Exemption.
The Explanation of Variances and the bank reconciliation was circulated to the Councillors. It was resolved that the income and expenditure was agreed and the Parish Council will comply with publication requirements. Proposed Cllr Hargreaves. Seconded Cllr Tape. Unanimous. The Certificate was signed by the Clerk and Cllr Hargreaves.
Finance & Legislation.
- Ratification of payments totalling £903.46 as per May schedule, which includes the insurance payment as per agenda item 15. It was unanimously resolved to authorise the payments.
- To note Bank reconciliations.
- To note Income & Bank Balances as per the schedule and reconciliations.
Urgent Matters raised with the Chairman since the Agenda was published.
The concrete cover is still broken between the well and the houses. The Clerk will contact Highways.
Date of next meeting and note items from Councillors for the Agenda.
Monday 1st July 2024
Annual Parish Meeting ideas for increasing attendance.
Meeting closed at 8.35pm
During the meeting it may arise that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential or special nature of the business to be transacted and the press and public will be instructed to withdraw.
When this arises, the Chair will recommend to consider passing the following resolution: “to resolve that in view of the confidential or special nature of the business to be discussed, the public are excluded and instructed to withdraw.”