Minutes March 2023
Monday 6th March 2023
The meeting of Launcells Parish Council was held on above date at 7:30pm, in Launcells Parish Hall.
Councillors Present:
Chairman Cllr Whittle, Vice-Chair Cllr Allin, Cllr Cleave, Cllr Pollard, Cllr Hargreaves, Cllr Wingard, Cllr Stokes, Cllr Tape.
Also in attendance: Clerk Julie Gray.
2 members of the public were present for the meeting.
Cllr Whittle opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.
Record of Apologies.
Cllr Minter and Cllr Elliott could not make the meeting and sent their apologies.
Confirm the Minutes of the previous Meeting.
It was resolved to approve the minutes and ratify all decisions made at the meeting held on Monday 6th February 2023. Proposed Cllr Whittle. Seconded Cllr Hargreaves. 7 in favour. 1 abstained, due to not being present at the previous meeting. The Chair, Cllr A Whittle, signed them as a correct record.
- There were no declarations.
- There were no dispensation requests.
Matters Arising.
- CCTV – the policy is now on the website and the placement of the signs agreed.
- PA22/11393 – the planning application query was resolved. The application is for 3 houses to be built.
- Street Trading objection.
Launcells objected to the application, with the objective of asking Highways to conduct a formal Risk Assessment. Launcells Parish Council were sent a link to the details of the meeting but the Teams link only enabled to view - not contribute. Cllr Whittle was disappointed that the Committee did nothing to discourage the applicant from disparaging him. The outcome of the hearing was that the Members did not feel that there was sufficient evidence that the applicant was obstructing the layby. Further, the applicant had been at this location since 2016 and as Health and Safety and Highways had not objected to the application.
It was proposed by Cllr Hargreaves that a formal complaint be made concerning this. Seconded Cllr Whittle. Unanimous.
Cllr Whittle will speak to Cllr Chopak to enquire as to the best way to raise the complaint.
Public Participation.
No member of the public chose to speak.
03.23/61: – all correspondence circulated via email.
- Community Food Growing Spaces Audit.
- Chief Executives Bulletin.
- Keeping Cornwall Updated.
- Local Council Planning Training: Climate Emergency.
- Speed Activated Signs.
- Town & Parish Council Newsletter.
- Invite to Safeguarding Event.
- Invitation to free CALC event: Community Housing Conversations.
- Chief Executive’s Bulletin.
- Keeping Cornwall Updated.
- Invite to Pennon ‘Let’s Talk Water’ Forum.
- NALC Legal Update.
- NALC Newsletter.
- Government Consultation on Planning Changes.
- BCNP Meeting Date.
- NALC Chief Executives Bulletin.
- University of Exeter Research Invitation.
- Decision Notices/Updates:
- PA22/10589 | Proposed agricultural shed to cover existing silage Pit - Shed 1 | Land North Of Thorne Farm Bridgerule Holsworthy Cornwall EX22 7HD.
APPROVED. - PA22/10590 | Proposed Agricultural Shed to cover existing silage Pit - Shed 2 | Thorne Farm Bridgerule Holsworthy Cornwall EX22 7HD.
APPROVED. - Parishioner question re planning.
A Parishioner requested a visit from Cllr Whittle to see if the Parish Council would have any objection to a planning application. Cllr Whittle informed the Parishioner that the Parish Council would consult once an application was made but ultimately it was the decision of Cornwall Council whether to grant it.
- PA22/10589 | Proposed agricultural shed to cover existing silage Pit - Shed 1 | Land North Of Thorne Farm Bridgerule Holsworthy Cornwall EX22 7HD.
- Planning Applications/Appeals:
Any late planning applications received will be discussed but not decided under this section.- None
To receive oral or written reports and authorise any action.
- Chairman.
Cllr Whittle received a report from Cllr Chopak, who could not attend today due to another meeting.- Council Tax will be rising by 4.99% which includes 2% towards Adult Social Care. Full Council last week debated this along with a rise in the Tamar Bridge crossing fee. Both of which were passed.
- The debate about a 'Mayor for Cornwall' is to be formally discussed in April, but the leaning is towards a public referendum, which will cost approximately £1.4m.
- Tonight is the final Bude Community Network Panel meeting before the change to Community Area Partnerships.
- Cllr Chopak encourages the PC to look at the latest tranche of money coming through for Communities in the Shared Prosperity Funding.
- The Bude Police Enquiry Office officially opens on Saturday.
- Stratton MIU has been kept open overnight through the winter, but Friday nights are a problem due to staffing.
There is going to be a Community Capacity Fund Workshop on how to apply for funding.
Cllr Whittle attended a meeting in Bodmin where Senior Economic Advisers were in attendance. It is expected that 42k funding, which will be restricted to Parish Councils for the first 6 months, will be available for funding applications between the current Area Network Panels parishes. - The Clerk.
The clerk attended the Planning Event on the 8th. There are going to be new provisions – a ‘building beauty and refusing ugliness’ provision; consideration of irresponsible behaviour of applicants; renewables; commencement notices; and design codes will be applied to permitted development too. Cornwall Council must have a local plan, which will complement any Neighbourhood Plans. The slides from the event are available on Cornwall Council’s training page. There was also a government consultation, whose deadline was 2/3, which was circulated to the Councillors.
In a move to reduce carbon emissions, reduce light pollution and save on energy costs, some Cornwall Council streetlights are set to be turned off or dimmed between midnight and 5am when Cornwall Council replace bulbs. Town and Parish Councils will be able to submit requests for areas where they want to see streetlights switched off or turned back on again.
There is going to a Great British Spring Clean 2023 in March / April.
Cllr Whittle received an email from a Parishioner that there is rubbish and broken bottles by Hersham. Cornwall Council should be alerted to any large items and a piece will be put in the Parish News.
There is a new newsletter re affordable housing. The Councillors think this will be good to keep an eye on so the Clerk will circulate this upon arrival.
The Clerk is now added to the bank account and the online banking is now live. It was proposed by Cllr Hargreaves that the Financial Policy be updated and quarterly checks put in place. Seconded Cllr Wingard. Unanimous. Cllr Whittle has the portfolio for Finances and will complete the quarterly checks.
Bus Stop Lighting.
The Clerk rang but no answer therefore emailed the Company requesting an update. The Clerk received an email today requesting details, which the Clerk supplied.
Web Site Provider.
Bude Solutions will look after the website for £30 per month.
Proposed Cllr Hargreaves. Seconded Cllr Cleave. Unanimous.
The Clerk will send the paperwork to the existing contractor.
QR Code Strategy.
Cornish mental health charity Pentreath asked for help to display a QR code in public spaces across Cornwall so people who find it hard to ask for help can access details of mental health helplines. The Parish Council wish to take part in this. The Clerk will request the plaques.
History Club / Hall Committee.
Launcells Parish Council have received the final invoice from Azook re materials for schools. It had been agreed that £3500 would be paid for the prep of said materials. Half of this was paid up front, with the rest being due from the "ring fenced Host Club" funds in the Parish Council account. The material was completed and has been run by staff at Stratton school who said it was fit for purpose. Azook has requested that they re-scan on high resolution part of the material. This has been signed out by email and will be returned when the re-scan is complete. The Chair of the History Club noted errors / typos in the materials therefore it was agreed that the material would be proofread before any payment is made. The History Club would also like feedback from teachers using the material that the material is adequate.
Concerning access to the Archive Room it was agreed that where there are safeguarding issues or if there are private parties there can be no access to the room. It was proposed that if the Hall is hired for an activity such as Skittles that the History Club should be able to access the room. A member of the Parish Hall Committee will take this proposal back to their meeting. The Parish Hall member also stated that it had been agreed that the History Club could access the room on Saturday afternoons for free as this was not usually booked. Cllr Whittle suggested a calendar on the website that was greyed out if there was no access. Cllr Whittle will find out whether this is doable.
APM Date.
The Annual Parish Meeting shall be held in May before the AGM.
The invites shall go to the Parish Hall Badminton, Bude Fire, Police, Parish Hall Committee, Horticultural Show, Skittles, History Group, Methodist, Launcells Parish News, Orchard Trust, Playing Field Committee and St Swithins. If the Councillors know of any other groups, they will notify the Clerk.
Highways / Launcells Cross.
The Parishioner that Launcells Parish Council sent the letter to re cutting back the hedge spoke to Cllr Allin. He said he was happy for the hedge to be cut back. Cllr Whittle and Cllr Allin will meet up with the Parishioner and review what needs to be done.
Cllr Whittle received an email from a Parishioner concerning a hedge that needs trimming. Cllr Allin and Cllr Stokes state this has recently been cut but will continue to review the spot.
Grimscott Planters.
There have been no volunteers that have come forward. Cllr Cleave stated she is happy to take this on with
some help.
Mayoral Issue.
This was addressed in Cllr Chopak’s update.
Shared Prosperity Fund.
There is no update at this time.
The local Church has been in contact and Cllr Whittle will make enquiries with the Parish Hall Committee.
Parish Magazine Contribution.
Cllr Elliott is not in attendance therefore Cllr Pollard will contribute.
Playing Fields.
The playpark is due its annual safety check. The Playing Field Committee member who is the contact has stepped down. Any correspondence that Launcells Parish Council receive will be forwarded to the Playing Field Committee.
Plaque Cleaning.
Cllr Stokes has no update this month.
Finance & Legislation.
- Ratification of payments totalling £252.60 as per February schedule. It was resolved to ratify the payments. Proposed Cllr Whittle. Seconded Cllr Wingard. Unanimous.
- To note Bank reconciliations.
- To note Income & Bank Balances as per the schedule and reconciliations.
Urgent Matters raised with the Chairman since the Agenda was published.
It was noted that the ‘slow down’ sign at Launcells Cross is in the wrong place – it should be further back.
There are fallen trees on the Common. A volunteer has offered to cut the wood, take it away and stack the rest for a nature / bug home.
It was proposed by Cllr Allin that the Parish Council agree to this. Seconded Cllr Whittle. Unanimous.
Date of next meeting and note items from Councillors for the Agenda.
3rd April 2023
Meeting closed at 9.23pm
During the meeting it may arise that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential or special nature of the business to be transacted and the press and public will be instructed to withdraw.
When this arises, the Chair will recommend to consider passing the following resolution: “to resolve that in view of the confidential or special nature of the business to be discussed, the public are excluded and instructed to withdraw.”