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Launcells Parish Council

Minutes October 2023

Monday 2nd October 2023

The meeting of Launcells Parish Council was held on the above date at 7:30pm, in Launcells Parish Hall.

Councillors Present:

Chairman Cllr Hargreaves, Cllr Cleave, Cllr Pollard, Cllr Stokes.

Also in attendance: Clerk Julie Gray and Cllr Chopak.

No members of the public were present for the meeting.

Cllr Hargreaves opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.

Record of Apologies. 


Cllr Whittle, Cllr Tape, Cllr Wingard, Cllr Allin and Cllr Elliott could not make the meeting and sent their apologies. 

Co-option of New Councillor. 


There were 2 applicants for the vacancy.

There was a vote. The majority vote was for P Constantinou.

The Clerk will contact the candidates.

Confirm the Minutes of the previous Meeting. 


It was resolved to approve the minutes and ratify all decisions made at the meeting held on Monday 4th September 2023. Proposed Cllr Hargreaves. Seconded Cllr Cleave. 3 in favour. 1 abstained, due to not being present at the previous meeting. The Chair, Cllr Hargreaves, signed them as a correct record. 



  1. There were no Declarations.



  1. There were no dispensation requests.

Matters Arising.


  1. None.

Public Participation. 


There were no members of the public in attendance.

Report from Cornwall Councillor Chopak.


Concerning waste and recycling, parishioners will receive their new bins in the Spring, although it is unsure as to whether the bins can be used then.

The Community Area Partnership (CAP) meeting last month was the first official one. Cllr Chopak is Vice-Chairman. The meeting was looking at the overview of health, roads and police but nothing directly related to the Parishes. The new Inspector attended from the Police and gave an overview of rural policing. The inspector has invited any Parish Councillor to go out on duty with him if they wish.

Cllr Chopak was by Homeleigh when there was an accident approximately six weeks ago on the main road. The Homeleigh staff were very good. Cllr Chopak contacted 999 and was disconcerted to be asked what service she required first. The controller was also based in Glasgow, who did not know where the road was and still had the building down as Brooks Garden Centre. It was felt vital seconds were wasted explaining where the accident was. Cllr Chopak has reported feedback on this to the relevant organisation. Cllr Chopak contacted highways, who will cut the greenery on the junction and lay down radar to track results. Dragon’s teeth may be painted and a 50mph limit is being sought.

There was a full Cornwall Council meeting that was mainly concerned with budgeting. Council tax is to rise by 4.9%.

Ex Cllr Beesley, from North Tamerton Parish Council, passed away recently and condolences were given.


10.23/216: – all correspondence circulated via email. 

  1. CALC Training Programme.
  2. The Rural Bulletin.
  3. Affordable Housing Newsletter.
  4. Chief Executive’s Bulletin.
  5. North Cornwall CAP Meeting update.
  6. Public Consultation – Licencing Act Policy Review. The deadline is 20/11.
  7. Keeping Cornwall updated. The Cornwall Council budget consultation deadline is 12/11.
  8. Civility Commission Consultation.



  1. Decision Notices/Updates: 
    1. Pigsdon Quarry.
      Pigsdon Qarry are planning a public consultation event in relation to the proposed extension to Pigsdon Quarry in the early part of November at Launcells Parish Hall. This event will be advertised in the Parish Magazine and on the Parish Council’s website once the Council have been notified of the date.
      The Councillor’s tour of the Quarry is on Thursday at 10am.
    2. Kitts Farm.
      A foreign company bought the land and sold it as 12 plots but the land is agricultural and cannot be built upon. Three have set up residences. There is a shepherd’s hut on one, another has a tent and another has a tent and allotment. Another landowner placed a large boat on the plot to set up an AirB&B. This has been reported to planning enforcement who have visited the site twice. 
      It has been advised to be mindful of any attempts to build etc.
  2. Planning Applications/Appeals:
    Any late planning applications received will be discussed but not decided under this section.
    1. PA23/05971 | Extension and alterations to existing dwelling | Little Bidna Barn Launcells Bude Cornwall EX23 9LZ.
      Launcells Parish Council unanimously support the application.

To receive oral or written reports and authorise any action.


  1. Chairman / Councillor.
    The Chair had nothing to report this month.
  2. The Clerk. 
    The quarterly finance check is due. Cllr Stokes volunteered to complete the check.
    We have received a cheque from the Launcells Playing Field Committee for the playpark inspection.
    Today we received a polling review, which the Clerk will distribute tomorrow.

Future Meeting dates.


Due to the absence of Councillors – this was deferred.



The Clerk emailed Highways and the response was:

Highways have a site meeting planned with the landowner for the 20th September and then I will be in a position to update the Parish further on progress.

With regards to the wooden pole, we are currently trying to arrange a site meeting with National Grid to discuss potential options and associated costs, so again will hopefully be in a position to update you further in due course.

This meeting has taken place and we are now awaiting an update.

Cllr Cleave saw a landowner cutting their hedge back to aid visibility on the road and stopped to thank him. The Parish Council will send a letter of thanks to him.

Parish Matters.


Cllr Allin was not in attendance. 

Cllr Pollard will enquire of the Launcells Playing Field Committee if the telephone box can be moved to the park.

The Clerk will contact BT to enquire whether we need permission to move the box and if they will do it for free.



The Tree Management Policy was deferred until the next meeting.



The application form has been received back with queries. 

Parish Magazine Contribution.


The Clerk will enquire of Cllr Tape of his contribution.

In future it was unanimously decided that there shall be no August contribution.



Cllr Stokes has obtained a quote and design, which was shown to the Councillors at the meeting.

The plaque was unanimously agreed.

Precept / Budget.


The proposed precept/budget was circulated.

The Councillors will consider if there are any suggestions/changes to be made.

Finance & Legislation.


  1. Ratification of payments totalling £914.29 as per September schedule. The electricity for the History Group was £426.36, which leaves £126 in their ‘pot’. It was unanimously resolved to authorise the payments. 
  2. To note Bank reconciliations.
  3. To note Income & Bank Balances as per the schedule and reconciliations.

Urgent Matters raised with the Chairman since the Agenda was published.


Someone has looked at the leak at Red Post but nothing has been done. The Clerk will contact SWW.

It has been noted that the hedges haven’t been trimmed in the Parish. Cornwall Council no longer trim the hedges unless they are a danger. It is up to the landowner to trim their hedges but if there is a highways safety issue Cornwall Council will cut the hedge and charge the cost to the landowner.

Date of next meeting and note items from Councillors for the Agenda. 


Monday 6th November 2023

Meeting closed at 8.40pm

Policies - Equal ops etc.


During the meeting it may arise that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential or special nature of the business to be transacted and the press and public will be instructed to withdraw. 

When this arises, the Chair will recommend to consider passing the following resolution: “to resolve that in view of the confidential or special nature of the business to be discussed, the public are excluded and instructed to withdraw.” 

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