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Launcells Parish Council

Minutes September 2023

Monday 4th September 2023

The meeting of Launcells Parish Council was held on the above date at 7:30pm, in Launcells Parish Hall.

Councillors Present:

Chairman Cllr Hargreaves, Vice-Chair Cllr Allin, Cllr Cleave, Cllr Pollard, Cllr Whittle, Cllr Wingard, Cllr Elliott, Cllr Tape.

Also in attendance: Clerk Julie Gray.

3 members of the public were present for the meeting.

Cllr Hargreaves opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.

Record of Apologies.


Cllr Stokes could not make the meeting, due to work, and sent his apologies.

Co-option of New Councillor.


The Council were informed that there were two applicants for the vacancy, although the Clerk only received one written application.

Cllr Hargreaves proposed, and councillors unanimously agreed to potentially co-opt both candidates, provided any standing orders or other regulations permitted, increasing the membership by one. It was felt that both candidates would bring a useful contribution to the Council. The parishioner whose application was first received, and who spoke at the meeting was invited to return at the next meeting to sign the necessary forms and Cllr Elliot will enquire of the other applicant whether they were still interested in the post.

Confirm the Minutes of the previous Meeting.


It was resolved to approve the minutes and ratify all decisions made at the meeting held on Monday 3rd July 2023. Proposed Cllr Cleave. Seconded Cllr Tape. 7 in favour. 1 abstained, due to not being present at the previous meeting. The Chair, Cllr Hargreaves, signed them as a correct record.



  1. There were no Declarations.



  1. There were no dispensation requests.

Matters Arising.


  1. Vision zero – Cllr Whittle raised this at the last meeting, as previous Cllr Minter had received an email asking for the breakdown of costs. This query was put to Highways and the breakdown was sent:

    The costs are:
    • Signing - £1,418.24
    • Road markings and high friction surfacing - £2,612.85
    • Vehicle Activated Signs x 2 - £ 16,835.33
    Total costs to date = £20,866.42
    Remaining budget of £4,133.58 - which the Parish Council intend to spend at Launcells Cross with improving the visibility.

    Cllr Wingard asked whether any of this budget could be used to make Batsbear Crossing safer.

    There was also an accident by Homeleigh and Cllr Chopak observed the accident and requested action from Highways to make this road safer.
  2. At the last meeting it was agreed that we would check that the defibrillator was registered. It is registered. Last week Cllr Whittle received notice that the defibrillator may have been used on the 27/8. Cllr Whittle checked - it had been taken out but it had not had to be used.

Public Participation.


A member of the public spoke in support of Agenda Item 10b)(i).

Report from Councillor Chopak.


Cllr Chopak sent her apologies.


09.23/194: – all correspondence circulated via email.

  1. Action Notes: Bude & Camelford CAP Meeting.
  2. Chief Executive’s Bulletin.
    The Design Code Pathfinder Showcase may be of interest. It is an hour and a half online event.
  3. Keeping Cornwall Updated.
  4. Action: Integrated Care Strategy: Have Your Say.
  5. Affordable Housing Newsletter.
  6. Road Closure Intention: Old Kilkhampton to Stone Hill.
  7. New Community Link Officer.
  8. CAP training Session.
  9. Action: CAP – Funding Panel Sub Group and Name of CAP.
  10. Proposed Pigsdon Quarry Extension – Consultation with Environment Agency. Agenda 10
  11. Town & Parish Council Newsletter.
  12. Clean Cornwall Newsletter.
  13. Bude Area Community Jury on Climate Change.
    Cllr Whittle, who is on the panel, states that there have been 43 people appointed to the Jury.
  14. Agenda for Strategic Planning Committee.
  15. D-Day 80th Anniversary Guide.
  16. The Rural Bulletin.
  17. CALC Executive Board Vacancies.
  18. Shared Prosperity Fund Events.
  19. Standards Committee Vacancies.
  20. Local Area Energy Plan Invite.
    This is being held at the Parkhouse on the 8/9.
  21. Pigsdon Quarry Site Meeting. Agenda 10a)(iv)
  22. Town & Parish Council Bulletin.
  23. The Rural Bulletin.
  24. Clean Air for Cornwall Workshop.
    This is on Monday 16 or Wednesday 18 Oct at 7-8.30pm online. There is a face to face on Thursday 19th.
  25. Let’s Talk Water Invite.
    This is on the 14/9 at 2-4pm.



  1. Decision Notices/Updates:
    1. PA23/03261 | Proposed replacement of the existing garage and entrance porches, with a new garage and connected entrance cloister | Prustacott House Prustacott Road Launcells Bude Cornwall EX23 9NH.
    2. PA23/04392 | Application for Lawful Development Certificate for a proposed use of land for the siting of a second mobile home. | Sunshine Park Red Post Launcells Bude Cornwall EX23 9NW.
      REFUSED. This is considered to represent development which represents a change of use of land that would require planning permission.
    3. Kitts Farm.
      Cllr Whittle received an email from a member of the public
      The 10 acre field to the west of Kitts Farm, was subdivided into 0.25 to 0.75 acre plots and sold to speculative investors some 30 years ago. Some of the larger plots have been further subdivided and sold on and the member of public wished to bring this to our attention before a disregard for Grade 3 agricultural land and an area of special interest sets a precedent for the development of land. Cllr Chopak visited the site and an update will be requested at the next meeting.
    4. Pigsdon Quarry.
      Pigsdon Quarry sent an email, that was circulated to Councillors, stating they would be happy to attend another Parish Council meeting to go through the Pigsdon Quarry extension proposals as the application progresses. The Quarry then sent the Council an invite to tour the site. The date that has been arranged is Thursday the 5th of October at 10am. Cllr Hargreaves, Cllr Whittle, Cllr Pollard and Cllr Wingard will attend the tour. The Clerk will let the Quarry know who will be attending.
  2. Planning Applications/Appeals:
    Any late planning applications received will be discussed but not decided under this section.
    1. PA23/04731 | Demolition of shed/store building and new build self-contained annex. | Springleaze Bridgerule Holsworthy Cornwall EX22 7HB.
      Launcells Parish Council unanimously have no objection to the application.Proposed Cllr Hargreaves. Seconded Cllr Wingard.

To receive oral or written reports and authorise any action.


  1. Chairman / Councillor.
    The Chair had nothing to report this month.
  2. The Clerk.
    The C2C route is being waymarked with discs through the parish at all junction points; the Councillors have been asked to let the organisation know if any obvious ones disappear or are vandalised.
    The Health and Crime surveys have been added to the website. These are ending during September.
    No planning consultation were completed during August as there was no majority.
    The bus shelter light has only just been paid as there was a difficulty with the bank verification and lack of response. Cllr Whittle found we had not received the grant payment therefore the Clerk sent off an invoice to Cornwall Council. We received good news – Cornwall Council confirm that they will make a grant to Launcells Parish Council for the full amount of £2,578.38. The Clerk responded with thanks.
    At the next meeting there will be a payment for the membership of SLCC that was discussed earlier in the year.
    The Clerk attended the Refuse meeting with Cornwall Council. Everyone will receive a 180l bin or sack. This will hold 3-4 black bags. Each household will receive a 23l food waste container and a smaller one will be supplied to keep in the kitchen. They will supply trial liners for the food caddy but when used up everyone will be expected to purchase their own. The food will be collected weekly and black bags and recycling will be fortnightly. This area will change next year. There will be leaflets, roadshows and radio alerts; the bins will be supplied and calendars with the dates for pick-ups, as these may change. Once the changeover happens the bins that people have now will not be emptied if used and any bags not in the 180l bin will not be removed. If you do not wish to keep your old bins Cornwall Council will pick these up. The new bins cannot be used until stated. If you have special circumstances, which mean you need more than 180l of rubbish each fortnight you can apply for an assessment.

Future Meeting dates.


This was deferred until next month.



Cllr Allin spoke to the landowner, who has a reference number from Cornwall Council. Cllr Allin will obtain the reference number, which we will supply to Oliver in order to consider next action.

Parish Matters.


A parishioner has emailed that they have a lot of children’s books all in good condition and she would like the local children to be able to borrow them just like a library. She wondered if the red telephone kiosk could be used.

This idea had been considered a few years back. At the time, the kiosk was cleared out and cleaned, and then repainted, as first steps. However, during this process, the danger caused by the excessive speed of traffic through the village became apparent, and the idea was shelved. This traffic issue did lead the Parish Council to gain traffic calming measures.

The Council felt that it was still a dangerous corner and moving the telephone kiosk to a safer location for this re-purposing will be investigated.



A Tree Management Policy was circulated. This was deferred until the next meeting. Cllr Whittle will enquire as to the cost of a tree inspection from a qualified tree surgeon.



The Parish Council are through to the next stage of funding and has received forms to complete.

Cllr Whittle obtained quotes and received help from CLUP (Community Levelling Up) in completing the form.

Cllr Whittle contacted 3 potential suppliers.

  1. One did not pick up when called on several occasions and did not reply to voicemails.
  2. Another one met with Cllr Whittle on site 6 weeks ago. They expressed interest and promised a quote. This has not arrived despite further contact.
  3. The other met with Cllr Whittle twice, including once with a tree surgeon. A proposal and quote were received.

Cllr Whittle has started completing the forms – the deadline is September 11th.

It was proposed that the Parish Council continue with the project. 5 in favour. 3 against.

The Council must have two policies in place. These have been circulated by Cllr Whittle. These will be added to the agenda next month.

Parish Magazine Contribution.


Cllr Hargreaves contributed to the August/September.

Cllr Tape will contribute to the October magazine.



Cllr Stokes was unable to attend today but he is sourcing costs for a replacement plaque and has also offered to fund this. The Parish Council were grateful to Cllr Stokes.

Quarterly Finance Check.


The quarterly check was completed by Cllr Whittle. There were no concerns. Noted by Councillors.

Finance & Legislation.


  1. Ratification of payments totalling £725.75 as per July and August schedule plus bus stop cleaning that was handed into the meeting of £30. The Parish Hall room rent payment is now reinstated from the Parish Hall Committee. The Council was informed by letter that was circulated to the Councillors. The Parish Council found the letter to be indiscreet but agreed to resume the payments. It was resolved to authorise the payments. Proposed Cllr Whittle. Seconded Cllr Tape. Unanimous.
  2. To note Bank reconciliations.
  3. To note Income & Bank Balances as per the schedule and reconciliations.

Urgent Matters raised with the Chairman since the Agenda was published.


An email has been sent to the History Club concerning the storage of the Parish Council archived material. The Club will discuss this at their next meeting.

On the 16th September there is a big breakfast at 9 and 10am to raise funds for the fireworks.

Date of next meeting and note items from Councillors for the Agenda.


Monday 2nd October 2023


Meeting closed at 9.05pm


During the meeting it may arise that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential or special nature of the business to be transacted and the press and public will be instructed to withdraw.

When this arises, the Chair will recommend to consider passing the following resolution: “to resolve that in view of the confidential or special nature of the business to be discussed, the public are excluded and instructed to withdraw.”

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