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Launcells Parish Council

DRAFT Annual Parish Meeting 2024

Monday 13th May 2024

The above meeting was held in the Parish Hall at 7.00pm.

Councillors present:

Chair Cllr Hargreaves, Vice Chair Cllr Allin, Cllr Cleave, Cllr Pollard, Cllr Wingard, Cllr Stokes, Cllr Elliott, Cllr Tape, Cllr Whittle, Cllr Constantinou.

Apologies – Launcells Parish News, Fire Brigade, History Club.

Also in attendance: The Clerk, Mrs J Gray.

1 member of the public was present.


The previous year’s minutes for the meeting held on Thursday 5th May 2023 have been noted. An amendment was made: ref County Councillor’s report, the wording was changed – the word Poundstock was removed and Launcells substituted. It was unanimously resolved to approve the minutes. The Chair, Cllr Hargreaves, signed them as a correct record.

Matters Arising.

There were no matters arising.

Chairman’s Report.

I would like to begin by recording my thanks on behalf of the parish to a number of people and groups for the part they have played and their contribution to the life of the parish during the year.

Since this is my first annual parish meeting since I took over as chairman, again I would like to record my thanks to my predecessor, Cllr Alan Whittle, for his tireless work and his continuing efforts and time in representing Launcells Parish on the new area subcommittee and in keeping a careful watch over our finances.

But I also wish to put on record my thanks to all my fellow councillors who, in their distinct ways, have contributed so much during the year, mentioning especially my deputy Cllr Maxwell Allin who has stepped in when I have had to be absent. Each councillor brings something different and they have given of their time, experience and knowledge, as well as frequently practical help to the benefit of the parish.

At this stage I should certainly add that the smooth running of our meetings and the execution of our decisions and initiatives would not happen but for the diligence, patience and persistence of our wonderful clerk, Julie Gray.

Also to be added to my list of thanks must be our hard-working County Councillor Nicky Chopak, who has also valiantly struggled to make our voice heard and to get things done at Cornwall Council.

During the past year we have seen one of our number retire from the council and we welcomed Paul Constantinou to our council. Again, I should put on record that we are all indebted to the retired councillor for her tireless work particularly in the area of achieving funding and implementation for speed reduction and traffic calming measures through the village and at Launcells Cross, which are still ongoing.

Further thanks are due to those who have seen through the improvement of the lighting of the bus shelters, work on which we will continue, the maintenance and planting of the planters, and in addition the work of the playing field committee, those who have helped during the year with tasks relating to the playing fields. These and our Parish Hall remain a great asset to the parish, and above the work of the parish hall committee Caroline deserves our thanks.

Likewise, Mandy Pollard who puts together the Parish magazine and inputs to our website should be recognised and thanked for her great contribution to the parish and its life.

There will be others too whom great thanks are due for their help and encouragement in the life of the parish who I may have omitted but their continuing support and help is appreciated.

The world around is ever more fractious, uncertain and dangerous but I think I reasonably assert that in our quiet work and play, we in Launcells are a community living and looking ahead together with gratitude and quiet confidence.

County Councillor’s Report

Another year has passed and I could suggest not much has changed in the world of Cornwall Council.

Examples of this are your Council Tax has risen by the same amount as last year of 4.99%, of which 2% goes to Adult Social Care, the increased budgetary pressure on the Council has continued with the need for cuts to statutory services such as highways, school transport, maintenance of schools and public buildings, the lack of affordable housing and the difficulties with access to GP and dental services and NHS appointments and care within A & E.

We now are in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis, with residents struggling with their energy, rent and food bills, with an increased reliance on benefits and voluntary groups such as the Foodbank – none of which we expected to be in in the 21st Century and more particularly having just survived a global pandemic.

Sadly, however, homelessness is now more common in our area, a symptom of the cost of living crisis and the lack of affordable and social housing. Developers are not rushing to help that situation, with open market housing being their priority, particularly in this area. Percentages that developers should be offering is ideally 40% plus, but they always seem to argue against this, which is disappointing. Other legislation is slowly being bought in with 100% loading on unoccupied properties and commercial waste and recycling bills being sent to holiday lets. The new waste and recycling contract is slowly rolling out across the county, and it won’t be long before you will be the proud owner of a wheelie bin and food waste bin and then having to get used to fortnightly collections.

We will also be looking forward to a 20mph speed limit in some of our towns and villages. Following a successful practice run in Camelford, this will be rolled out over the next 18months once towns and villages are consulted. This is better than being assumed that 20mph was suitable for every location, so, watch out for further information in your village.

Community Networks have been transformed into Community Area Partnerships, which in our case now includes Camelford. 26 parishes now have a joined up stronger voice and I have the privilege of being the Vice Chair. We have very focused meetings and so far we have discussed Health and Housing which has been very informative and well attended. Our next meeting is 10th June and all are welcome. Look out for the agenda.

As part of the CAP, we have set up a specific Working Group to ensure the Health and Wellbeing of our residents is fully considered. As you know we have serious issues around access to medical care and we are keen to make sure the NHS providers have North Cornwall on their radar. I was voted as Chair and am looking forward to working with those NHS partners, and fellow councillors. I will keep you posted.

My Community Chest of £3k has been well spent this year, from goalposts and memorial benches, to flags, planters and defibrillator signage. Hopefully I will be able to offer a similar budget this year and I will let you know.

My casework is as varied as ever, from potholes and drainage, to public toilets, highways, planning and issues around Adult Social Care, healthcare, schools and transport. Please do not hesitate to contact me and I will try my best to assist you.

I also want to give a shout out to all Parish Councillors and clerks who do a sterling job, sometimes in difficult circumstances.

I am always available via email on or leave me a message on 07810302061.

Reports from Local Groups/Activities in the Parish

There were reports from local groups that will be placed on display on the Parish Council website, and available via email should anyone wish. Please contact the Clerk for more information. 


The meeting ended at 7.20pm and was followed by the Annual General Parish Council Meeting.

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