Minutes October 2022
Minutes of the Meeting of Launcells Parish Council held in the Parish Hall on Monday 03rd October 2022 at 7:30pm.
Margaret Cleave, Andrew Hargreaves, Sheila Minter, Brian Pollard, Ian Saltern (Clerk), Matthew Stokes, Alan Whittle (Chairman), Paul Wingard, Cllr Nicky Chopak
Maxwell Allin, Trevor Elliott, Graham Tape
561.03/10 To approve minutes of meeting held on 02nd September 2022
The minutes of the meeting held on the 02nd September 2022, which had previously been distributed, were approved for signature.
562.03/10 Matters arising from this meeting not dealt with elsewhere:
There were no matters arising.
563.03/10 Report from Cornwall Councillor Nicky Chopak
Cllr Chopak reported that Cornwall Council is facing a shortfall of £62million from its budget, meaning there will be further cuts to its non-statutory services. This could result in the closure of toilets, for example. The prospect of a ‘Mayor for Cornwall’ was now under review following the commencement of the new Government administration at Westminster.
The ‘Good Growth Programme’ of Levelling-Up funding was now open www.ciosgoodgrowth.com. This replaces the former European Union funding and is now available to communities across Cornwall, with total budget of £132million. Cllr Chopak was eager to encourage as many parishes to apply for this funding as possible – this could be individual parishes or groups of parishes in the Bude Community Network Area. Cllr Chopak asked Launcells Parish Councillors to consider what they might require funding for – Expressions of Interest are encouraged from any groups. Historically, north Cornwall has enjoyed lower levels of funding than elsewhere in Cornwall and Cllr Chopak was keen to see this rectified. Officers will soon be in place to help groups with their applications.
The Police and Crime Panel unanimously voted to appoint Police Scotland Deputy Chief Constable Will Kerr OBE as the new Chief Constable of the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary.
Andrew Hargreaves asked Cllr Chopak if there was any positive progress with regard to Stratton Medical Centre (SMC). Cllr Chopak replied that SMC remained under-resourced. Sheila Minter asked if SMC came under the auspices of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) – there did not appear to be a report on SMC on the CQC website – there should be a new report if there has been a change in management. Cllr Chopak said she would investigate. Cllr Chopak feared that the situation is likely to deteriorate, but Cllr Corrigan-Turner of Bude-Stratton Town Council is collecting data on people’s experiences of using local health services.
564.03/10 Declarations of interest:
There were no declarations of interest.
565.03/10 Public participation:
There were no members of the public present.
566.03/10 Planning matters:
It was noted that planning application PA21/12203 Barons Barn Hobbacott Lane Marhamchurch Bude Cornwall EX23 0EX had been approved. Likewise planning application PA22/07087 - Retrospective planning application for a replacement general purpose agricultural building - Jewells Farm Jewells Lane Grimscott Bude Cornwall EX23 9LX had been approved.
Cornwall Council planning officers had responded to Launcells Parish Councils comments regarding PA22/07101 - Land West of Tile Yard Cottages Bridgerule Holsworthy Cornwall EX22 7HD. Reasons had been given by planning officers as to why the objections raised by the Parish Council were not sufficient to reject the outline planning application. Consequently, planning officers had exercised the Local Council Protocol which asks Launcells Parish Council to agree with the Officer’s decision to approve the application; agree to disagree with the Officer’s decision, or request that the application be determined by the Planning Committee. Cllr Chopak said that the Parish Council’s concerns regarding the application would be added as conditions to the decision to approve permission. Parish Councillors expressed their views that the site was not appropriate for the proposed development. Parish Councillors decided they would ‘agree to disagree’ with the planning officers decision to approve the application and asked that the Clerk request that the Parish Council’s objections be included as conditions by the planning officer.
567.03/10 Red Post – future security:
Brian Pollard reported that he now has the CCTV camera ready for installation. Alan Whittle reported that he will now register with Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and will cost a poster displaying the Parish Council’s email address which informs the public that a camera is operating. Alan will also draft a Standard Operating Procedure for the CCTV camera as required by the ICO. Brian reported that he had to also buy a data card for the camera. Alan asked if Jordan Gilhespy of Red Post Joinery was still content for the camera to be installed. Brian said that he was indeed.
568.03/10 Bus Stop lighting:
The Clerk reported that, in the absence of bus user data which had been requested of bus companies to no avail, he would proceed with the application for funding towards the lighting at the bus stops.
569.03/10 Website:
Alan Whittle reported that he has begun the process of ‘cleaning up’ the website by removing out dated content. He will then work with Bude Solutions to redesign the site where necessary.
570.03/10 Vision Zero Traffic Scheme:
Alan Whittle reported that he had met with Cornwall Highways Manager Oliver Jones at a Cormac meeting and asked about the progress of the speed reduction works proposed for Launcells. Oliver said that white painted 30mph or SLOW would be added to the red road paint at Launcells Cross. Sheila Minter asked what has become of the promised ‘Concealed entrance’ signs. Alan said the Parish Council should ask how the £25,000 Vision Zero grant funding had been spent by Cornwall Highways. Cllr Chopak agreed to follow-up with Highways on the extent of the expenditure.
571.03/10 Councillor’s tasks/Emergency Plan:
- Playing Field – No issues.
- Parish Hall/Car Park – No issues.
- Orchard Trust – Paul Wingard had now submitted the Annual Return to the Charity Commission.
- Bus Shelter – no issues.
- Commons – Sheila Minter reported that a fallen tree which had been partly obstructing the pathway had now been removed.
- Footpaths – No issues.
- Salt Bin – No issues.
- Flowerbeds – Graham Tape not present.
- Defibrillator – Alan Whittle is still awaiting delivery of the new pads.
- Church and Chapel yards – Matthew Stokes would discuss the Chapel yard with Graham Tape.
- Emergency Plan – At the next Area Network meeting, the Cornwall Council Emergency Plan coordinator will be present.
572.03/10 Clerk’s report:
- The death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – Launcells Parish Council wished to convey its deepest sympathies to the Royal Family on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Her sense of duty and unstinting service to the country over so many years serves as an example to us all. May she rest in peace.
- Holsworthy Rural Community Transport (HRCT) – the service transports nine individuals from within Launcells Parish and were the Parish Council minded to make a donation, a sum smaller than that suggested in correspondence from HRCT would be acceptable. Councillors suggested that the Clerk corresponds with HRCT to explain that at the current time it would not be possible for the Parish Council to make a donation but in future it would hope to make one once we understand the end of year out turn.
- Public Consultation Statement of Principles under Gambling Act 2005 – this correspondence was noted.
- Options to opt out of SAAA 2022 central external auditor appointment arrangements – Should the Parish Council wish to opt out of the appointment of external auditors it must formally notify SAAA no later than 28 October 2022. If the Parish Council does not wish to opt out, it will be regarded as opted-in for the next five-year period beginning on 1 April 2022 and ending on 31 March 2027. Parish Councillors resolved to remain opt-ed in.
- Bude-Stratton Town Council – Debt and Money Advice and Warm Rooms. A successful Money and Debt Forum was held by Bude-Stratton Town Council on Friday 23rd September at the Parkhouse Centre and attended by representatives of 29 organisations which help people in the local area with cost-of-living issues. The Clerk also reported that a Volunteer Open Day was taking place on Tuesday 18th October, 10am-12pm at the Neetside Community Centre.
- Cornwall Fire Control – Correspondence had been received raising the issue of the potential closure of Cornwall Fire Control. Cllr Chopak reported that the issue had now evolved from closure being the only option, to it being one of several options. Cornwall Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee would review this on Thursday 6th October.
573.03/10 Chairman’s report:
- Purchase of new defibrillator pads – Alan Whittle is still awaiting delivery of pads.
- Hersham bus shelter – Positive comments from residents had been received regarding the refurbishment of the bus stop. Alan Whittle thanked all those who had so generously given their time to help.
- Launcells History Group - The Group is now being led by Suzanne Littlejohns – its latest meeting included a tour of St Swithin’s Church on 24th September.
574.03/10 Finance - Invoices for payment:
- Alan Whittle for Camel Glass – Hersham Bus Shelter - £54.99
- Alan Whittle for Tamar Trading (Putty) – Hersham Shelter - £7.58
- Clerk’s salary – September 2022 - £212.60
- Clerk’s expenses June – October - £8.55
The Clerk reported that at the September’s meeting, payment for Camel Glass (£54.99) and Tamar Trading (£7.58) had been made erroneously to the suppliers and not to Alan Whittle who had already purchased the items. The cheques sent in error had been destroyed and Alan Whittle would be paid for the costs he had incurred at this meeting (see above).
It was proposed by Andrew Hargreaves, seconded by Brian Pollard and unanimously agreed, to approve the above listed payments.
574.03/10 Other matters:
Alan Whittle has approached a Clerk of another local Parish Council who might be able to take on the role of Launcells Parish Clerk when the current one leaves to take-up his role as Deputy Town Clerk at Bude-Stratton Town Council. Two further individuals have expressed an interest in the forthcoming vacancy of Launcells Parish Clerk. Cllr Chopak suggested that Barry Jordan, currently Parish Clerk at St Gennys might be able to fill the role temporarily. Alan Whittle and the Clerk would approach existing Clerks.
Alan reported that he had been elected Chairman of the Bude Climate Partnership which is awaiting a decision on a large funding application which will pay for significant interventions to lower carbon emissions in the wider Bude area www.budeclimate.org
Next article for Launcells Parish News – Ian Saltern, November – Cllr Margaret Cleave.
575.03/10 Matters for consideration at the Chairman’s discretion (time permitting):
There were no further matters raised.
The meeting closed at 8:38 pm
Next Meeting: Monday 07th November 2022 – 7:30pm