Update on the Orchard's Almshouses Fund
Added at 16:36 on 30 October 2023
Just having completed the Charity Commission Annual Returns for the period 31st December 2021 to 31st December 2022, I note that we have not had any grant applications since the summer of 2021.
While that is good news in this time of austerity, I would just take this opportunity to remind parishioners about the Trust Fund and the discretionary awards we can make.
Grant applications are available for residents who may be having financial difficulties with the day to day cost of living such as food and bills.
Funding grants are also available to help families with any costs associated with the education of their children where they may be finding it difficult to meet the costs.
All applications are in the strictest confidence and will only be dealt with by the three present Trustees, Paul Wingard, Reverend Teresa Folland and Trevor Elliott.
All our phone contacts are in the front of the Parish News.
Paul Wingard