Update on the Orchard's Almshouses Fund July 2024
Added at 12:14 on 12 August 2024
It has been another quiet year for the Fund, with no grant applications being received. Indeed, our last grant application was in the summer of 2021.
While that is good news in this time of austerity, I would just take this opportunity to remind parishioners about the Fund and the discretionary awards we can make.
Grant applications are predominately available to help families with costs associated with their children's education such as school uniforms, computer equipment, or school trips where parents may be finding it difficult to meet ever rising expenses.
However, grants will also be considered from any parishioners who are genuinely struggling with the financial demand of day to day living.
To help promote the Fund the Trustees have produced a poster which will be put up around the Parish as well as in the Parish News, and on the web site.
All applications are in the strictest confidence and will only be dealt with by the three current Trustees - Paul Wingard, Reverend Teresa Folland and Trevor Elliott.
All our phone contacts are in the front of the Parish News.
Paul Wingard