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Launcells Parish Council

Who do I contact??

Added on 18 January 2017

Launcells Parish Council have devised a list of who to contact.......

Rather than report the same issue or make the same suggestion to multiple councillors we felt that it would be beneficial to allocate specific areas to each councillor.

So if you see something needing attention or think something could be improved - please see the list below and contact the appropriate councillor so that they can bring up the matter at the next parish council meeting.

Launcells Parish Council 2016

allocating specific areas/tasks for all councillors

1. Playing Field                                                   MAXWELL ALLIN

2. Parish Hall & Carpark                                       BRIAN POLLARD

3. Church & Chapel graveyards                             PETER HARWOOD

4. Orchard Trust & other sources of grants            MARGARET CLEAVE

5. Commons & Red Post bus shelters, signs etc     SHERIDON ROSSER

6. Footpaths                                                       PAUL WINGARD

7. Roads including salt bins                                 ANDREW HARGREAVES    

8. Flowerbeds & Grimscott kiosk, noticeboard etc  GRAHAM TAPE

9. Bude Community Network Panel                      ROYSTON SYMONS


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