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Launcells Parish Council

Launcells Parish Allotments ? – a Question for Parishioners

Added at 17:55 on 02 January 2023

At the most recent Parish Council Meeting, the question of whether we should create some allotments in the parish was raised.

We noted that Cornwall Council has been given a substantial amount of “levelling up funding” that we might be able to apply for in order to fund the creation of such allotments.

However, before we embark on what could be a substantial amount of work, we need to know if members of the parish would wish to use such a facility.

The allotments could be adjacent to the current playing field and would be available to rent at a small annual fee.

Accordingly, we would ask that any parishioners could signal their potential interest by a quick note to our clerk on or by mentioning it to one of our parish councillors.

Many thanks

Alan Whittle, Chair, Launcells Parish Council

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