Monthly Updates from the Parish Magazine - September 2022
Added at 18:00 on 29 August 2022
Craft Fayre 2022
St Swithin's Church Launcells
A3072 Red Post to Stratton, tum down lane by Homelelgh Garden Centre, then left to Church.
All kinds of arts and crafts
NEW DATES - Tuesday 18th October until Saturday 22nd 10am - 5pm
Light Lunches, and refreshments
Wheel chair access
Toilet facilities
Car park
For information contact: Margaret Bond 01409 253776
Launcells Community Lunch
The next Community Lunch will be on Monday 5th September at 12.30pm
The cafe team look forward to seeing everyone and welcome suggestions for meals to include on the menus.
Cash Bingo
At Launcells Parish Hall, Grimscott on Thursday 29th September 2022. Eyes Down at 7.30pm.
Raffle and tea/coffee
Over 18s only
Waste and Recycling Presentation – Friday 2nd September
The next Launcells Parish Council meeting will be held in September on Friday 2nd at 7:30pm in the Parish Hall. During the meeting, Cornwall Waste & Recycling Community Support Officer will give a presentation about waste and recycling to include:
- The need to recycle more
- What happened to our rubbish and recycling
- Information specifically about Launcells Parish
- What Cornwall Council’s new waste and recycling programme will look like.
Do please come along to learn more about the Council’s new plans for waste and recycling.
Soup and Sweet
at Launcells Parish Hall on Saturday 17th September from 12 - 2pm
£6 per person
For the Firework Fund
To book phone Graham Tape on 01288 381521
Launcells History Group
Are meeting at St Swithin’s Church, Launcells on Saturday 24th September at 2pm
Please join us for a historical tour of this fascinating church
Tea and coffee will be served
Open to non-members - Everybody welcome
There will be no charge for this event but donations to the Church will be very welcome
Launcells Horticultural Show 2022
It was so good to be back after not having a show since 2019!
Unfortunately the lack of rain and excessive heat over the last few weeks didn’t help the veg and flower growers but there was still a good display with lots of colour and variety. There was an excellent selection of preserves as usual and a lovely display of cakes and biscuits. Lots of photos were entered in the Show too including a class for Parish Councillors (an animal or animals) which was won by Brian Pollard with his photo of a mandarin duck.
It was lovely to see the children’s entries with prizes for best exhibit going to Louise Symons (Under 10s) and Sophia Rosser (10 - 16).
Many thanks to the organisers, helpers and judges and to Maggie Cooper who presented the cups. Thanks also to everybody who took part in the Show or came along to see all the lovely entries, buy raffle tickets or just came for a chat and a cup of tea and a piece of cake!
Section 1 Vegetables
The Cleave Challenge Cup - Winner - Graham Tape
The Snowden Perpetual Trophy - Runner-up - Mandy Pollard
Stedwill Memorial Cup - Classes 28 to 34 - Graham Tape
The Sainsbury Cup - Class 1 - Graham Tape
Section 2
The Hunt Perpetual Cup - Winner - Graham Tape
The Yelland Perpetual Trophy - Runner-up - Mandy Pollard
Mrs Cleave Cup - Class 36 - Graham Tape
Pot Plants
Launcells Horticultural Show Cup - Winner - Graham Tape
The Dinner Trophy - Runner-up - Mandy Pollard
Section 3 Floral Art
The Brooks Challenge Cup - Winner - Sue Urwin
The Sainsbury Trophy - Runner-up - Caroline Tape and Freda Hockin
Section 4 Cookery & Salads
The Barkwill Challenge Cup - Winner - Mandy Pollard
The Stedwill Perpetual Trophy - Runners-up - Caroline Tape
The Pickard Cup - Classes 87 to 92 - Mandy Pollard
Section 5 Preserves
The Tape Perpetual Salver - Winner - Mandy Pollard
The Higher Grimscott Preserve Plate - Runner-up - Caroline Tape
The Havasu Trophy - Classes 114 to 120 - Caroline Tape and Mandy Pollard
Section 6 Handicrafts
The Venner Challenge Cup - Winner - Alison Butler
The Dingle Perpetual Trophy - Runner-up - Mandy Pollard
Les Yelland Trophy - Best Exhibit - Mandy Pollard
Section 7 Photography
Launcells Horticultural Show Bowl - Winner - Mandy Pollard
Launcells Horticultural Show Trophy - Runner-up - Alison Butler and Brian Pollard
Section 8 Children under 10 years
The Jenkins Cup - Winner - Meredith Rosser
Stedwill Plaque - Runner-up - Isabelle Symons
The Cann Trophy - Best Exhibit - Louise Symons
The Alf Snowden Trophy - Classes 148 to 151 - Ella Bath & Louise Symons
The Ron Pearce Cup - Most Points 160 -164 - Meredith Rosser
Section 9 Children 10 to 16 years
The Sillifant Cup - Winner - Sophia Rosser
The Brooks Challenge Trophy - Runner-up - Grace Wickett
The Patt Trophy - Best Exhibit - Sophia Rosser
Launcells Skittles Teams Need You!
Launcells Skittles teams are in need of some new players. They play on
Tuesday evenings. Although players who can play every week would be ideal, anyone who can play occasionally would also be very welcome. Both ladies and gentleman can play, of any age! Anyone who would like to find out more, please contact Brian Pollard on 01288 381288 or Trevor Tape on 01288 381449.